A special offer for the Mentor Program

It was fabulous seeing you at our event. I know you’re keen to hear more about the Mentor Program. You are now registered for Priority Notification for our 2019 Mentor Program on our super-secret ‘Advanced Notice’ list.

This means you’ve got the head-start you need to book into our Mentor Program around 48 hours early.

This is a considerable benefit because sometimes the Mentor Program books out in just 1.5 hours… meaning that not everyone who wants in, can get in.

The only people on this list are referrals from past Mentorees as well as people who have seen us present in person this year.

What will happen next?

Here’s what will happen next… from September until mid November, I’ll release some beautiful new trading resources to you, so you can get into tip top trading shape. We’ll open for Mentor Program bookings mid-November, and I’ll tell you 48-hours before everybody else finds out how to book in.

Why am I doing this? Well… after spending time with you at the function, I feel the Mentor Program is your next best step. I want to encourage you to be all you can be in the markets… so this is my way of recognising you as a trader, and giving you a reward for coming on the day.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch my video that I made for you, answering some questions people sent me after the 1-day course, you can watch it now…

At the end of the day to stave off depression, and find meaning in your life as a trader, ask:

What did I see?

What did I hear?

Who did I listen to?

What am I most grateful for?

What difference did I make?

What is it that made today worth living?