My conclusion

Whilst clearing my inbox just now I came across a market recap/forecast that included the following  headings- Actually the bit about being mental I added as it seemed appropriate for anyone silly enough to bang on about Gann and astrology. Once again someone proves my point that human irrationality is boundless.


My conclusion

Whilst clearing my inbox just now I came across a market recap/forecast that included the following  headings-                   Actually the bit about being mental I added as it seemed appropriate for anyone silly enough to bang on about Gann and astrology. Once again someone proves my point…


Cocktail Party Indicator

“If the professional economists can’t predict economies and professional forecasters can’t predict markets, then what chance does the amateur investor have? You know the answer already, which brings me to my own ‘cocktail party’ theory of market forecasting, developed over the years of standing in the middle of living rooms, near punch bowls, listing to…
