Never Been A Fan

….of Apple and the cult that grew up around it. To me computers are tools to get a job done – they are only a fashion statement for the sad. However, there is no denying the impact of Steve Jobs upon the popular psyche and his remarkable business acumen. In the outpouring of grief surrounding…


Game Theory

Game theory is the standard tool used to model strategic interactions in evolutionary biology and social science. Traditional game theory studies the equilibria of simple games. But is traditional game theory applicable if the game is complicated, and if not, what is? We investigate this question here, defining a complicated game as one with many…


Game Theory

Game theory is the standard tool used to model strategic interactions in evolutionary biology and social science. Traditional game theory studies the equilibria of simple games. But is traditional game theory applicable if the game is complicated, and if not, what is? We investigate this question here, defining a complicated game as one with many…
