Need a speaker or presenter with tough talk yet a heart of gold? Then Chris Tate is your man.
Known for his witty and ‘sergeant major’ style, his straight-shooting, no-nonsense approach will have your audience begging for more.

A best-selling author of several books on the stockmarket, Chris has traded every instrument imaginable, and is ready to step up … to motivate and inspire your people, like no other.

Chris Tate is one of the first people to ever release a share trading book in Australia and has had an extraordinary impact on thousands of traders. Best selling author of ‘The Art of Trading’ and ‘The Art of Options Trading in Australia’, his brutally honest approach and meticulous pursuit of excellence, ensure that exceptional traders all around the world quote his market comments.

He’s been running the 6-month repeat-for-free Mentor Program since the year 2000, and he’s also the founder of, a free weekly trading podcast.

Chris has seen all types of markets, traded practically every instrument available, and shown others how to profit from every market condition. He has the skills to help you to increase the probability of radically jump-starting your returns. Unlike most other trainers who teach theory only, Chris is one of the few people who truly understands what does and what doesn’t work in the sharemarket. If you’re seriously after gigantic financial breakthrough in your own sharetrading results, you need to listen to absolutely everything that Chris has to say.

With a background as an immunologist, and his previous work as a bouncer, Chris’s life experiences will amaze you. When he’s not hanging out with his traders, he can be seen lifting weights at the gym, enjoying yoga… and trying to get a personal best time on his rowing machine in his garage.

Chris Tate is one of the first people to ever release a share trading book in Australia. He is the best selling author of ‘The Art of Trading’ and ‘The Art of Options Trading in Australia’. He’s been running the 6-month repeat-for-free Mentor Program since the year 2000, and he’s also the founder of, a free weekly trading podcast.

With a background as an immunologist, and his previous work as a bouncer, Chris’s life experiences will amaze you. When he’s not hanging out with his traders, he can be seen lifting weights at the gym, enjoying yoga… and trying to get a personal best time on his rowing machine in his garage.


Best-Selling Books:
Art of Trading, Art of Trading Options and Let the Trade Wins Flow.

Podcasts Featuring Chris:
Real Life Trading, the Trading Nut podcast, Michael Yardney’s podcast and Desire to Trade.

Keynote Presentations:
International Federation of Technical Analysts, Australian Investors Association, Australian Shareholders Association, Australian Technical Analysts Association.

What Chris Can Do For You:
Promote your interview/event to his 5000+ Facebook fans, 2000+ LinkedIn associates, 33,000 Trading Game database members, and 10,000+ Talking Trading podcast listeners. Plus, you’ll feature on Chris’s ‘In the Press’ web page to help your SEO.


  • Overcoming Anxiety – Why This is Your Key to Exceptional Trading Results.
  • The Things Being a Bouncer Have Taught me About Trading.
  • Black Belt Trading – Use Your Personal Power.
  • A Grown-Up’s Guide to The Market.
  • The Majority of Things You Believe About the Markets are Dead Wrong.
  • Hit Hard, Hit First – Your Key to Riding the Trend, Pyramiding, and Being a Pig in the Markets.
  • Market Wrap – What Happened in the Markets Last Week, Last Month, Last Year?


Interview Questions for Chris:

  • Traders often face a lot of anxiety. Why is overcoming anxiety the key to exceptional trading results?
  • So, you used to be a bouncer. What are the key things being a bouncer have taught you about trading?
  • Your background is in immunology. Why is a scientific approach to trading so important?
  • I’ve heard you say ‘hit hard, hit first’. Where did that saying come from and how does it apply to trading?
  • You say that the majority of things people believe about trading are dead wrong. Give me an example.