Computer Frequently Asked Questions
By popular demand, this webpage has been set up to help Mentorees who are facing some battles with coming to grips with some of the functions on their computers.
Hopefully you’ll find the answer to your question on this page. If not, look up your question using the search engine
Then, if you still can’t work it out, then ask how to do what you’re after on the Mentor forum.
List of Questions
2) What if I forget my password?
3) What if I can’t login?
4) I can’t get one of the links in the email you sent me to work. What should I do?
5) How do I easily cut and paste into the forum?
6) How do I do a screen print and get an image onto the forum?
7) How do I open a new web page without losing the original?
8) Are there any rules around etiquette that I should be aware of?
9) How Does the Personal Messaging System Work on the Forum?
10) Does it matter where I log in from?
11) How do I clear my cookies and why is this important?
12) Why should I get Trading Game data, instead of data from another supplier?
13) What about if I feel I need more Beyond Charts + or Metastock training?
14) I used to be able to see the Resource pages, but now I’m having trouble. What can I do?
15) I’d like to listen to the podcasts and watch the videos on my iPod/iPad. Is that possible?
1) How do I login to the Forum?
To get into the main forum and the exclusive Mentor Forum, have a look up the top right hand corner of the home page of and you’ll see a ‘LOGIN’ link. Click on the link and a window will open with two fields ‘EMAIL’: and ‘PASSWORD’.
Fill in your details there and click the ‘SIGN IN’ button. On the page that opens up, click on ‘Board Index’ and you’ll see ‘Mentor Program – Foundation’. Click on this, and you’ll be in.
2) What if I forget my password?
You can email yourself your password by clicking on ‘Forgot your password?’ on the sign in page.
3) What if I can’t login?
There are several possible reasons why you may not be able to login to the forum;
Wrong email/ password – if you enter the wrong email address and password combination you will see a message telling you your entry was incorrect. Go back and try again.
Your membership is not enabled – you will need to contact The Trading Game regarding the status of your forum account (
Are cookies enabled on your computer? If you do not have cookies enabled, you may not be able to login or use the site correctly. Cookies can also be affected if you are behind a Firewall that prevents cookie information being sent through, or if you are using browsing acceleration software – as this sometimes removes the cookie data.
Do you have Javascript enabled in your browser? If you have Javascript disabled then the layout of the site will be destroyed as well as your ability to login to the online forum. This can also be affected by a personal firewall (e.g. Norton’s Personal Firewall) not allowing Javascript to be accessed.
You have PopUp Windows disabled, e.g. by using Norton Personal Firewall.
4) I can’t get one of the links in the email you sent me to work. What should I do?
Firstly, just try clicking on the link in your email (you’ll know it’s a link to a webpage because it will appear as an underlined word within your email, coloured blue usually).
If it doesn’t automatically link to the page I’m trying to direct you towards, try highlighting that whole underlined weird looking phrase if it’s a phrase that starts with http: (by dragging your mouse over it while simultaneously holding your left button down) and then once it is highlighted, press ‘Ctrl’ And ‘C’ simultaneously on your keyboard. This will copy the link. Then you will need to open your browser, (i.e. where you look at internet pages) and then click on the spot where it usually has an webpage address in it and delete that webpage address. Then press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘V’ simultaneously and the link you have copied will dump into that spot. Then press Enter and it should open up that webpage (You may already know how to do this, so if you do – that’s great too).
Alternatively, right click using your mouse on the underlined hyperlink, and then select ‘copy shortcut’ from the drop down menu. Open up your browser (i.e. where you would look at a webpage usually) and copy this link into the browser by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘V’ simultaneously. This will dump the link into your browser and you should be able to hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard, and the webpage will appear for you.
5) How do I easily cut and paste text into the forum?
If you want to cut and paste a section of text, there is a really easy way to do this. Locate the item you want to copy and highlight it (or if you want it all, press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘a’ on your keyboard simultaneously). Then press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘c’ simultaneously on your keyboard. This will firstly pick up then link or text. Then, go to the place where you want to copy that text into, and then you’ll need to paste the link, text etc by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘v’ simultaneously on your keyboard.
If you’re copying a link because you want to use it to open up a web page, then you will need to open your browser, (i.e. where you look at internet pages), firstly use the ‘Ctrl’ ‘c’ method described above to pick up the original link. Then click on the spot where it usually has an webpage address in it and delete that webpage address (or highlight the web address that is currently there completely, as this next step will over-write everything you’ve highlighted). Then press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘v’ simultaneously and the link you have copied will dump into that spot. Then press Enter and it should open up that webpage (You may already know how to do this, so if you do – that’s great too).
6) How do I do a screen print, cut and paste and get an image onto the forum?
Read the question above so you’re familiar with the ‘Ctrl’ ‘a’, ‘c’ and ‘v’ functions.
If you’re wanting to copy your computer screen so that another trader can see exactly what you’re looking at, the easiest way to do this is to use the ‘Snipping Tool’ function which is a resident program on all Windows machines. (Or you could press the ‘PrtScn’ button on your computer keyboard.)
To use the ‘Snipping Tool’, open up the Snipping Tool, (it will be located on your Windows menu) then click ‘New’ highlight the area you want to save (ie the chart) by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to the right and releasing. Then you can click ‘File’ and ‘Save As’ to save this to a jpg or gif file.
To save an image or text into Word
Highlight the item you want to copy. Click ‘Ctrl’ and ‘c’ simultneously on your keyboard. This will hold the item in your computer’s memory.
Or, if you’ve clicked ‘PrtScn’ the screen that appears will be the one in the computer’s memory.
Then, open up Microsoft Word, and right click on the document. Find the item in the menu that appears entitled ‘paste’ and click on this – alternatively, you can click ‘Ctrl’ and ‘v’ simultaneously on your keyboard. The screen that you wanted to copy now appears in your Word document. Save this word document and email it, or use it as a later date.
To save a chart for posting onto the forum
Copy a chart using the method described with the ‘Snipping Tool’ or ‘PrtScn’ into Powerpoint. Use the little squares located around the edge of the image to re-size the chart to the exact size of the Powerpoint slide. This is the ideal size for the forum. Then you can click ‘Save as’ on the menu, and save that 1 powerpoint slide as a jpg or gif file. That’s what I do and it works like a charm.
7) How do I open a new web page without losing the original?
When using Internet Explorer, to open a new page without losing the original, right click on the new link and then left click “open in new tab”‘ on the menu that will appear. This will allow you to flip between the pages. The two (or more ) corresponding tabs will be shown at the top of the page ready for left clicking. They can be closed independently of each other.
If you have lost a page, then click on the ‘back’ button, and you should be able to rewind to the page you were on originally.
Most versions of Firefox tend to open pages in new tabs, however, in links on an actual webpage, it will depend on how that link has been set up. Most caring web-people set up links to open in a new tab, but this isn’t always the case – which can be frustrating. Click on the ‘back’ arrow or button in your browser to get back to where you were originally.
8) Are there any rules around etiquette that I should be aware of?
Even though the Trading Game Mentor forum encourages debate and values opinions of all, I think it’s probably a good idea to lay down some communication suggestions, so we can all derive the most benefit. Please read these suggestions:
- Although this should go without saying, be polite at all times.
If you make a request, say please. If someone goes to extra effort, remember to say thankyou. - Don’t type in UPPERCASE.
It’s difficult to read and it feels like you’re shouting. If you need to emphasise a point, consider typing just one word in uppercase, but certainly don’t go overboard and type the whole sentence, or you’ll deafen your audience. - Pay attention to grammar and spelling.
Just read through your postings before you hit ‘send’, and consider how others will feel while they read it. If you leave them confused because of your spelling and grammar, it won’t convey your message with clarity.- Break your message into logical paragraphs.
- Use bullet points
- Use sentences that are a suitable length
- Forgive the tone, grammar and spelling of others. Not everyone types easily, or has English as their first language.
- Avoid sarcasm or public flames sent in anger.
The power of the written word is considerable, but sometimes it can be misinterpreted. If you have something to say that could be considered hurtful, consider a private email instead. - Don’t expect an immediate answer.
Lack of a quick response doesn’t mean people are ignoring you. If a fair amount of time goes by, feel free to remind the person that you’re hoping to hear from them, but don’t feel slighted and take offence.
9) How Does the Personal Messaging System Work on the Forum?
Beside each person’s forum posting, you’ll see a PM, which stands for Personal Messaging. You can send a private message to an individual on the forum, for their eyes only, using this function. Keep in mind though that there are some idiosyncrasies to this system.
At first, most people try to use the ‘new messages’ link just under the ‘Board Index’ area, and then click on NewPM to seek to send a message. Yes, this would appear logical… until you try it and realise that when you click on ‘Find a member’, you won’t be able to.
I too was perplexed when it wouldn’t work for me… but then I asked my webguy, and he said, “Well – there’s a bug, isn’t there!” Then, after checking into it further he said: “It can’t be fixed because otherwise everyone has access to everyone else’s details e.g. address, so just do a search for their last message on the forum and click on PM and it will let you send them a PM”.
Ahhh… the world of cyberspace. Irritating, isn’t it?
So, just run a search for whoever you’re after on the forum, find a message they’ve written and click on PM beside their posting and it will work for you. It’s a terrific system when you realise this one weird little quirk.
10) Does it matter where I log in from?
(This is really only relevant for our old website pre-2013)
I always suggest that everyone logs in from the home page, rather than logging into the forum when prompted from a different location. To return to the home page after being prompted to log in from a different location, all you need to do is click the ‘Trading Game’ logo. This will flip you back to the home page, and you can enter your email and password details from here.
11) How do I clear my cookies and why is this important?
A cookie (also tracking cookie, browser cookie, and HTTP cookie) is a small piece of text stored on a user’s computer by a web browser. Cookies are stored on your computer to record basic pieces of information so you don’t have to re-enter these pieces of information.
Sometimes, you’ll need to clear your cookies, especially if you’ve had trouble accessing one of the resource pages, for example.
Here is how to do it:
If you’re using FireFox as your browser, visit this link
If you’re using Internet Explorer as your browser, visit this link
If you’re using Chrome as your browser, visit this link
12) Why should I get Trading Game data, instead of data from another supplier?
Some of the key differences between Trading Game Data and data from another supplier are:
Our data blokes specialise only in the provision of data and don’t split their focus with other business activities – so they care about the data deeply.
Our custom folders offers so many time savings, it’s going to make you wonder how you ever coped without it.
(See this link for full info: )
The other Mentorees have all found that the accuracy of other providers tends to distort the occasional scan, or stop calculation – leading to several trading difficulties.
There are a couple of videos at the link above that you may like to check out to give you another perspective.
13) What about if I feel I need more Beyond Charts + or Metastock training?
There’s no doubt about it. Learning the software can be a sticking point for Mentorees as they work through the Mentor Program.
Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming.
Good News! There’s help available. Beyond Charts+ comes with built in brilliant tutorials about how to use the software, plus, during the Mentor Program, you’ll be exposed to customised videos prepared by a past Mentoree. Plus, there’s a separate forum area for your questions, and a phone hotline provided by Beyond Charts.
If you use Metastock, we have custom videos for you too in the Mentor Program. If you need more though, firstly, check out the Metastock Made Simple page.
As well as learning about Metastock by using the videos, and asking questions in the Metastock topic on the forum – there is another method available.
Some Mentorees prefer the very personal and caring approach of getting some one-on-one tutoring. The training can then be adapted to your specific needs and designed just for you. If that sounds like a good idea, then the information below is essential to read.
Past Mentoree – Jude Fowler is happy to train you to use Metastock over the phone – so no matter where you’re located, she’s just a phone call away. She’s fabulous, very caring, and extremely knowledgeable about Metastock, and her very reasonable hourly rate is worth paying for the advantage you’ll get. If you’re keen on pursuing this, email Jude directly:
Here is what one trader has to say about Jude’s training:
“As a direct result of the training I’ve received from Jude Fowler I am now confident in my ability to use the main functions of the Metastock software. If you value your time, but don’t have enough of it, Jude’s coaching on Metastock can catapult you to higher levels of usage in a very short time. Her gentle professional approach makes it so easy to learn and apply Metastock skills and techniques, saving many hours of reading manuals and searching the internet for advice.”
– Lyndal Drennan, Management Consultant, QLD
So, if you’re struggling with Metastock, you now have a shortcut at your fingertips. Email Jude Fowler today!
14) I used to be able to see the Resource pages, but now I’m having trouble. What can I do?
You need to clear your cookies and then try that out. If you’re not sure how to do that, click here.
It could be a specific issue with your computer or browser. If you’ve got a pop up stopper or firewall stopping you viewing this page, that could be a problem. It is possible for some firewalls to block certain pages – you will have to whitelist all pages to allow you a clear path to these pages.
The other thing you could do would be to try a different browser e.g. Internet Explorer vs Firefox. Ideally though, I suggest you download Google Chrome and try that. It’s very quick.
Give it a whirl and if you’re still having trouble, let me know by emailing me (
15) I’d like to listen to the podcasts and watch the videos on my iPod/iPad. Is that possible?
Yes, an internet connected iPod, iPhone or iPad should play the audios and videos just fine.
If you are wanting to download the videos to a device to watch later when the device is not internet connected, you may have difficulty. Yes – I do hear where you’re coming from. And, I agree – that to listen and re-listen to the podcasts and videos on the move is one of the best ways to cement your trading knowledge. However, we’ve had some security issues in the past which I thought I’d mention now so you can see where we are coming from.
A few Mentor Programs ago, I (Louise) released my entire Candlestick Charting Home Study Course to the group. Unfortunately, there was one person who just didn’t understand the importance of trust. The Home Study Course was distributed to 274,000 people in Hong Kong and China – which was extraordinarily disappointing. For this reason, we’ve opted not to make the content downloadable to future Mentor Programs from that time onward (except for audio podcasts – most of these are supplied with a link for downloading the mp23 file). Rather than risk that again, we decided to take certain security precautions to prevent downloads.
We do our best to share everything we’ve gleaned over the past few decades of trading, and to protect our exclusive group of Mentorees from the perils that face other traders by the information we provide. So, I’m sure you can appreciate our predicament. Thankyou for your understanding in this matter.
With the availability now of cheap mobile internet and technologies such as 4G, accessing the online Mentor Program content on the move is now much less of a problem.
Here’s what one Mentoree suggests:
“I get public transport to and from work 40 mins each way. So I bought a netbook, each morning I start playing one or more videos, pause it and then watch it on the train. The battery lasts all day if I put it in sleep mode so I can re-watch it or another one on the way home.
“I also have a Telstra wireless modem, but I found that with all the other passengers on their phones, the videos can get a bit jittery on the train, hence the download at home strategy. The modem is good for catching up on forum posts and emails though.”