If you want a powerful speaker and motivator to light up your function or podcast, you can’t go past Louise Bedford – Australia’s most prolific female author of books on the sharemarket. Louise Bedford is a best-selling author of six books on the Australian sharemarket and is available for podcast interviews, keynote presentations and video appearances.

If you’re on a mission to inspire, motivate and focus your traders – then you need Louise on your team.

Louise Bedford is Australia’s most prolific female author of books on the sharemarket, a compelling speaker, and has trained thousands of people to maximise their own trading potential. She is a behavioural finance expert, has degrees in Psychology and Business, and has been a trader since 1990.

She’s been running the 6-month repeat-for-free www.tradinggame.com.au Mentor Program since the year 2000, and she’s also the founder of www.talkingtrading.com.au, a free weekly trading podcast. Known as ‘the corporate executive who lost the use of her arms and achieved financial freedom by trading with a pen in her mouth’ – she will inspire you to achieve your trading best.

Her presentations are not about vague concepts that don’t work in the real world. They are about incredibly practical, time-saving strategies that you need to implement in order to become an extremely successful trader. Her key areas of focus are using candlestick charts, trading psychology, pattern detection, the impact of neuro-psychology on trading decisions and trading crisis management.

Officially crowned as Australia’s ‘Candlestick Queen’, she’s known as the trader who brought this fascinating technique to Australia.

When she’s not hanging out with her traders, she is spending time with her two children and husband, lifting weights at the gym, and enjoying yoga… and trying to get a glimpse of her own reflection on the back of her business partner, Chris Tate’s, bald head.

You’re going to want to listen to absolutely every word she has to say.

Louise Bedford is a best-selling author of six books on the stockmarket. She is a behavioural finance expert and has degrees in Psychology and Business. She’s been running the 6-month repeat-for-free www.tradinggame.com.au Mentor Program since the year 2000, and she’s also the founder of www.talkingtrading.com.au, a free weekly trading podcast.

Known as ‘the corporate executive who lost the use of her arms and achieved financial freedom by trading with a pen in her mouth’ – she will inspire you to achieve your trading best.

When she’s not hanging out with her traders, she is spending time with her two children and husband, lifting weights at the gym, and enjoying yoga.

Two Sentence Bio

Louise Bedford is Australia’s most prolific female author of books on the sharemarket, and is the founder of www.tradinggame.com.au and the www.talkingtrading.com.au podcast. She is a best-selling author of six books on investing and trading and a behavioural finance expert with degrees in Psychology and Business.


Best-Selling Books:
Trading Secrets, Charting Secrets, The Secret of Candlestick Charting, The Secret of Writing Options, Let the Trade Wins Flow, Investing Psychology Secrets.

Podcasts Featuring Louise:
Talking Trading, NabTrade, Real Life Trading, the Trading Nut podcast, Equity Mates and Desire to Trade.

Magazines Featuring Louise:
Your Trading Edge, YMag, My Business, also featured in the Australian Financial Review and Money Magazine.

Keynote Presentations:
International Federation of Technical Analysts, Australian Investors Association, Australian Shareholders Association, Australian Technical Analysts Association.

Louise is the host of the IG-Markets Master Your Trading Mind Hub, the host of the Talking Trading podcast, plus a market commentator each fortnight on the Ausbiz show.

What Louise Can Do For You:
Promote your event/podcast to her 5000+ Facebook fans, 2000+ LinkedIn associates, 33,000 Trading Game database members, and 10,000+ Talking Trading podcast listeners. Plus, you’ll feature on Louise’s ‘In the Press’ web page to help your SEO.


  • Develop a Bullet-Proof Trading Plan.
  • The Imposter Complex – How to Beat The Nagging Voice of Doubt Threatening to Sabotage You.
  • Men vs Women – Who Wins in the Trading Gender War?
  • Deep Trading Survival – Who Wins, Who Dies and Who is Just Mediocre?
  • Avoid the “I Just Got Lucky” Trading Plan.
  • What to Do When Your Employer Doesn’t Want You Anymore.
  • Overcoming Adversity – How I Traded With a Pen in My Mouth For Years, After Losing The Use of My Arms.
  • Beware of Decision Fatigue – How to Keep Your Energy at an All-Time High and Achieve Exceptional Trading Results.
  • The Top 5 Things People Stuff Up in Their Trading Plans.
  • Why Performance Pressure Will Squash Your Trading Results.
  • High-Performance Trading – Do This and Don’t Do That.
  • Fear Will Suffocate You But Action Can Liberate You. Control Your Ego or Suffer The Consequences.


Interview Questions for Louise

  • What are the top things traders do to sabotage their results?
  • So, I hear that female traders make more money than the guys. Is that true?
  • Why does performance pressure squash your trading results?
  • How do you maintain high performance over the long term?
  • But how do people handle fear? Does it really make such a difference to people’s results?
  • What fascinating research do traders and investors need to be aware of to excel in the markets?


Please look for the download icon on each promotional photo to download it in high resolution format.

Trading Nut
Margin Call
Your Trading Magazine
Real Life Trading
Online Trading Summit
Equity Mates
Financial Review
Alpha Mind

Louise’s mail address is:

PO Box 7033
Wattle Park
Victoria, Australia, 3128

So contact Louise with your project today, to scope out how she can inspire your audience with her own particular brand of warmth and flair.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TradingGame/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTradingGame
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/louise-bedford
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/tradinggame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tradinggame.com.au/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tradinggame.com.au