Best-Selling Books:
Trading Secrets, Charting Secrets, The Secret of Candlestick Charting, The Secret of Writing Options, Let the Trade Wins Flow, Investing Psychology Secrets.
Podcasts Featuring Louise:
Talking Trading, NabTrade, Real Life Trading, the Trading Nut podcast, Equity Mates and Desire to Trade.
Magazines Featuring Louise:
Your Trading Edge, YMag, My Business, also featured in the Australian Financial Review and Money Magazine.
Keynote Presentations:
International Federation of Technical Analysts, Australian Investors Association, Australian Shareholders Association, Australian Technical Analysts Association.
Louise is the host of the IG-Markets Master Your Trading Mind Hub, the host of the Talking Trading podcast, plus a market commentator each fortnight on the Ausbiz show.
What Louise Can Do For You:
Promote your event/podcast to her 5000+ Facebook fans, 2000+ LinkedIn associates, 33,000 Trading Game database members, and 10,000+ Talking Trading podcast listeners. Plus, you’ll feature on Louise’s ‘In the Press’ web page to help your SEO.