How heavy use of social media is linked to mental illness

According to a survey in 2017 by the Royal Society for Public Health, Britons aged 14-24 believe that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have detrimental effects on their wellbeing. On average, they reported that these social networks gave them extra scope for self-expression and community-building. But they also said that the platforms exacerbated anxiety and depression, deprived…


Mum And Dad Investors Are Snowflakes

I have been thinking about this piece I posted yesterday. The central tenet is that to admit a mistake is to undermine one’s sense of self. Thus doing so is extremely difficult for professional money managers. My thoughts have drifted to the current round of pending and proposed legal action by shareholders against various companies,…


Bitcoin Drawdown

Since I had a look at the MaxDD for MNF yesterday I thought it would be interesting to see the same for BTC. One of the arguments put forward by BTC fetishists is that BTC would display lower volatility than other currencies or payment methods. Somehow I dont think this claim stacks up, not unless…
