Pity All Scientists Are not This Blunt
Every so often I drift back into my original field and come across something that should be shared with the wider community.
DetailsEvery so often I drift back into my original field and come across something that should be shared with the wider community.
DetailsI have long suspected that the majority of CEO’s in the Western world, particularly in the US and Australia are vastly overpaid in terms of the value they bring to both shareholders and communities. Many years ago i looked at the share price performance of companies that had the highest paid CEO’s – at the…
DetailsThis is my WTF moment for this week – possibly this year. Did you know that in Arizona it is illegal to massage a horse without a licence.We are talking about therapeutic massage here, not the you have been out on the trail too long and that filly looks mighty fetching in this light. Interestingly,…
DetailsI know I should not be amazed at the limited grasp of market reality that afflicts both financial journalists and fund managers but this one is a corker. Five-year bull run continues “Given a five-year bull run it is impossible to argue stocks look cheap, but the market is not necessarily too high,” MLC Investment…
DetailsI was cleaning out some old stuff of mine after finally getting the painters out of my house and I came across an old battered and weathered t-shirt of mine that had the following kanji characters written on it. For those whose Japanese is a little rusty it breaks down to the expression Osu. Osu…
DetailsWhenever, you take a position in a given instrument you are by definition doing something that is different from someone else in the same circumstances. Consider the chart below of Apple. I could make the compelling case that the stock has broken out. It has made a new high, broken out of resistance and has…
DetailsHumans by and large are appalling natural statisticians, we continually misunderstand the risk of certain events occurring. I have friends who wont swim at the beach because they are frightened of sharks by will drive for two hours to get to the beach and then sit on the sand.
DetailsMy friend and uber money manager is on this weeks episode. Click here to listen
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