Call Me Ishmael
I had no idea that there are whales alive today that were born when Moby Dick was written in 1851.
I had no idea that there are whales alive today that were born when Moby Dick was written in 1851.
Those clever clogs at Wolfram Alpha have diverted some of their considerable brain power into generating mobile apps (iPhone/IPad only) Whilst probably a little beyond what most people want it does show that someone is slowly bringing some quality to mobile finance apps which to date have sucked the big one…..
DetailsIn the weeks leading up the beginning of the Mentor Program we send out a slew of videos and other material to bring people up to speed with the things we will be discussing during the program. The writer of our email of the week writes…… Do I have to watch all the videos you…
DetailsIt has been awhile since I got any hate mail – even my blasphemous efforts of last week largely went unnoticed. So its time to tray a little harder – this time I am going to have a go at a true cult – those who worship at the alter of Warren Buffett. This was…
DetailsRolling Stone…..Even worse was the incredible episode in which bailout recipient AIG paid more than $1 million each to 73 employees of AIG Financial Products, the tiny unit widely blamed for having destroyed the insurance giant (and perhaps even triggered the whole crisis) with its reckless issuance of nearly half a trillion dollars in toxic…
DetailsI have no idea how this came through my feed – surely the son of someone who is omnipotent would know who was on their team and who gave up imaginary friends in primary school. All I can think of to say is this…….
DetailsI'm your go-to-expert for all things related to our exceptional Trading Game Mentor Program. So don't hold back, ask me questions about the course. And remember, being patient is key as my AI bot skills need time to find you the right answer.
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