Euro 2012
Apparently, Euro 2012 is this year. You know that sport where massively over paid prima donnas go down at the slightest touch only to make a Lazurus like recovery. As opposed to athletes who are paid less but seem to be more resilient. In an attempt to avoid a drop in stock market trading volume…
DetailsMichael Geismers $710,000 Blackjack Breakfast
I have just finished reading about Michael Geismer in Hedge Fund Wizards (I’m still not overly enamoured with the book) and nothing in it so far has convinced me that hedge funds are not run for their managers. Take Geismers fund – it apparently returns 12% on average of which he trousers 30%. Consider this…
DetailsFile This One Away
Whilst doing some reading this morning I had the misfortune of coming across this. I love a good prediction – wonder whether he has any money on it?
When fighters go to ground some MMA matches can be as exciting as watching two sloths go the grope in the back of a Morris Elite. This however, is not one of those.
Still Sideways
Despite the euphoria of those who are proclaiming the worst is over on the back of a single positive day – this chart is enlightening. Sometimes it is worthwhile removing as much noise from the chart as possible., Until we break this range one way or another I am not convinced about anything……
DetailsThe Pleasure Of Finding Things Out
I dug this out of my archive of stuff. Feynman is one of my academic hero’s. In a world seemingly filled to the brim with the worship of the ordinary and the stupid. I think it is essential to remind ourselves that there have been people who were neither stupid nor ordinary. If you dont…
DetailsRIP Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 remains my favourite view of a dystopian future. This is Bradbury’s last column.