How do you inform your employees that one of them has flushed $2B down the toilet – like this. Dear colleagues, We regret to inform you that yesterday we uncovered a case of unauthorized trading by a trader in the Investment Bank. We have reported it to the markets in line with regulatory disclosure obligations.…


Alpha Or Beta

WSJ:One evening a week, a group of CEOs meets in a Manhattan psychiatrist’s office and engages in an ancient ritual. Ostensibly, it is a support group. Inevitably, it becomes a battle for dominance.”Whenever you put alpha males together, the most aggressive will overpower the others,” says T. Byram Karasu, the veteran psychiatrist who has run…



The following dropped into my inbox this morning – it shows the long term performance of the main DJ-UBS commodity indices. It makes a compelling case for the inclusion of commodities into any portfolio. The interesting thing about these indices is that they trade as equities – as such they give investors easy access to…
