
I always find it intriguing that fund managers have to go to such lengths to justify their stance on issues – the interesting point is most of it seems like after the fact rationalisation. This is an example of such long winded thinking, unfortunately it also contains that the use of rational economic thinking to…



Someone dropped this wonderfully insightful image into my inbox this morning. Apparently  it dates back to 1908 – my interpretation of this is that sheep, be they those who just follow or those without a committed opinion get run over by those that do when markets begin to move.

Remarkable Data

I have mentioned before the lack of data regarding real estate which is one of the reasons why it is hard to take any short term pronouncement about real estate seriously. There simply isnt enough quality data to make these sorts of judgments and this situation would obviously be of benefit to land rats since…


A Bit of History

Ok blogophytes – time to learn something. If I were to ask a room full of traders what is the main rule you pay lip service to, I say lip service because most dont do it. It would be – Cut your losses and let your profits run The interesting thing about this phrase is…
