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China Mulls 50% Pay Cuts for Underperforming Fund Managers

This article is behind a paywall, but you can get the general gist from the opening two paragraphs. If the pay of local fund managers were based on ability, the vast majority would be delivering newspapers to make ends meet. China is considering slashing pay of fund managers who underperform their benchmarks as part of…

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Good Vibes Are Contagious

One of my favorite threads of research shows just how interconnected we humans are. Studies reveal that if you bear witness to someone else experiencing pain—whether it’s a someone close stubbing their toe, a person experiencing homelessness on a damp street corner, or a somber face in the waiting room of a hospital—you’re likely to…

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Its Never Too Late To Start

For Shigeru Fujimoto, an 88-year-old day trader who lives in this capital of Hyogo Prefecture, his “workday” starts at 2 a.m., when most of the population is asleep. The octogenarian first stretches to loosen up before he makes coffee and switches on his three computer monitors. On a recent day, Fujimoto was seen checking out…

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The Stupidest Chart In Trading.

One of the most frustrating things in trading is the persistence of idiocy, which holds traders back. The chart below or a variation on it regularly appears on my social media feeds—generally posted by someone who trumpets the initial CMT or CFT after their name. I’ll tell you more about them in a minute. The…

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All You Can Eat – The Move To 24 Hour Trading.

When I first began my trading journey, the single available market was the ASX, which was not a fully integrated exchange at the time; there were separate exchanges in Melbourne and Sydney. The market opened at 10:00 a.m. and closed at 4:00 p.m., and provision was made for a long lunch for brokers to wander…

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Crap Advice And Critical Thinking

Every so often I get sent an article for comment – these generally turn out to be an exercise in critical thinking more than analysis. It is not difficult to pick apart a general thesis. The issue is that most lack the confidence, skills or experience to do so. We are also programmed to fall…

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Ten Minutes With Tate Do Short Sellers Kill Prices?

If you were to run a competition for the most maligned and misunderstood trading technique in Australia short selling would most likely come out on top. The intriguing thing about this is that not that short selling is misunderstood by uber sooks such as Gerry Harvey but also by market regulators such as ASIC. Who…

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The Narrative Battle

I have been working through Steve Magness’s book Win the Inside Game. Generally, these sorts of self-help books don’t do much for me since they all revolve around basic concepts that any adult who wants to move forward should already have on board. My somewhat harsh interpretation is if you have to get it from…

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Investing is Hard

Imagine it’s ten years ago and you are assessing the relative merits of market cap weighted exposure to US equities and an equally weighted allocation. Across a range of valuation metrics you can see that the equal weighted index is moderately cheaper. As luck would have it you also have a crystal ball that tells…

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Make the Overwhelming Feel Routine

“It’s 10 pm, I’m going to bed,” is what I told the group of friends, teammates, and strangers who were gathered in our house for a get-together during college. It was a Friday night and I had a long run the next morning. For much of my time, I was a bit obsessive. I wanted…

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Volatility, Signal Or Just Plain Noise

Market commentary of late has been awash with the use of the word volatility and to flog a dead horse most of the people using the word are using it incorrectly. This misuse is generally a function of ignorance – most who comment on volatility don’t understand what it means. Defined simply volatility is the…

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AustralianSuper Manages To Toast Investors Funds

This is a little quiz. Below is a simple weekly chart of NVDA with a 30-period moving average plotted. Moving averages are simple but effective tools for defining the underlying trend of an instrument. The question is can you spot those times when you should be a buyer of NVDA? If you can you are a…

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