Get Off Ya Bum

A new study of over 1 million people finds that doing at least one hour of physical activity per day, such as brisk walking or cycling for pleasure, may eliminate the increased risk of death associated with sitting for 8h a day. Physical inactivity is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and…

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The quick answer from the paper embedded below is no. The executive summary is very enlightening in that it states – Has CEO pay reflected long-term stock performance? In a word, “no.” Companies that awarded their Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) higher equity incentives had below-median returns based on a sample of 429 large-cap U.S. companies…

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The Incalculable Value of Finding a Job You Love

Social scientists have been trying to identify the conditions most likely to promote satisfying human lives. Their findings give some important clues about choosing a career: Money matters, but as the economist Richard Easterlin and others have demonstrated, not always in the ways you may think.  Consider this thought experiment. Suppose you had to choose…

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The Golden Age of Teaching Yourself Anything

……What’s Holding You Back? It’s neither intelligence nor technique that holds people back from being successful self-taught learners, says Bach. It’s insecurity. “Feelings of inadequacy stop curiosity,” he says. In Bach’s own field of competitive thinkers, he’s learned that “most people who have ambition have a terrible fear that although they’re good, they’re not good…

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This much I know: Daniel Kahneman

Happiness is complicated. There are two components. One is strongly genetic; the second is a question of how you feel at any moment. I am pretty content, but I had a very pessimistic mother, and I’ve always been known as a pessimist. It was always assumed I would be a professor. I grew up thinking…

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Whats Worth More

Yesterday I was having lunch in Brighton and was somewhat bored because the weather was not encouraging use of the local  boat ramp which is the greatest source of free entertainment in the world. Particularity in Brighton where a sense of self entitlement allied with copious amounts of plastic surgery, bad hair transplants and way…

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What Pokemon Go Taught Me

Other HL Menckens  often paraphrased quote that nobody went broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public. The real lesson from such things lies in what they tell us about investors and group behaviour. What initially piqued my interest in this little phenomena was the sense of permanence people attach to events that are transient.…

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Gutnick Goes Bust

I read with interest last week that Joseph Gutnick had gone bust; apparently he owes some $275 million to various creditors and has about $15 to his name. I read this with a touch of nostalgia because it was Astro Mining that got me started in this business more than three decades ago. It also…

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