WTF Email Of The Week

Every so often I get a strange email – a lot of the time I have no friggen idea what people are asking but this one is intriguing because it seem to assume we have psychic powers. Hi, I have been trying to phone my broker company on 2 phone numbers to place an option…

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Its Hard To Retire When You Have More Money Than God

George Soros’ announcement Wednesday that he is returning outside money from his hedge fund and will continue to operate as a family office is yet another reminder of how hard and clumsy it is for a billionaire hedge fund manager to retire. Except on rare occasions, most successful hedge fund managers rarely seem to call…

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Its Hard To Retire When You Have More Money Than God

George Soros’ announcement Wednesday that he is returning outside money from his hedge fund and will continue to operate as a family office is yet another reminder of how hard and clumsy it is for a billionaire hedge fund manager to retire. Except on rare occasions, most successful hedge fund managers rarely seem to call…

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So….Who Is In Charge?

… Until recently, most studies just broke out the top 1% as a group. Data on net worth distributions within the top 1% indicate that one enters the top 0.5% with about $1.8M, the top 0.25% with $3.1M, the top 0.10% with $5.5M and the top 0.01% with $24.4M. Wealth distribution is highly skewed towards…

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Are We Broke Yet?

With the Yanks taking a leaf  out of the Robert Mugabe school of economics and demonstrating an inability to master simple household economics I found this neat little graphic regarding each countries rating. Although given the quality of ratings agencies I am not certain I would place too much faith in it. From  Reuters

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Are We Broke Yet?

With the Yanks taking a leaf  out of the Robert Mugabe school of economics and demonstrating an inability to master simple household economics I found this neat little graphic regarding each countries rating. Although given the quality of ratings agencies I am not certain I would place too much faith in it. From  Reuters

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So….Who Is In Charge?

… Until recently, most studies just broke out the top 1% as a group. Data on net worth distributions within the top 1% indicate that one enters the top 0.5% with about $1.8M, the top 0.25% with $3.1M, the top 0.10% with $5.5M and the top 0.01% with $24.4M. Wealth distribution is highly skewed towards…

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We Are All Doomed

Recently I struck a technical problem with one of the gizmo’s I owned so I fired up the old googlebox to see if I could find a solution in one of the various online forums. Not really being a denizen of forum’s it was somewhat of an education and not in a good way. If…

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We Are All Doomed

Recently I struck a technical problem with one of the gizmo’s I owned so I fired up the old googlebox to see if I could find a solution in one of the various online forums. Not really being a denizen of forum’s it was somewhat of an education and not in a good way. If…

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Overconfident Gibbons

Interesting piece on the evolution of overconfidence Confidence is an essential ingredient of success in a wide range of domains ranging from job performance and mental health, to sports, business, and combat. Some authors have suggested that not just confidence but overconfidence-believing you are better than you are in reality-is advantageous because it serves to…

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We Are A Little Bit Scared……..Sortof

As the Yanks continue to argue as to how they are going to pay the rent I thought it was time to update my VIX/Dow comparison. The markets seem a little bit skitterish but they are not yet at the levels seen during other crisis events. I have posted both a weekly and daily chart…

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