An outbreak of the measles at Kenneth Copeland’s Texas megachurch has gotten some attention because (1) measles is something children are generally vaccinated for, these days and (2) Kenneth Copeland is, of course, an anti-vaccine crackpot. In what seems to be yet another bitterly ironic attempt by God to teach noisy religious fundamentalists what-for, the church has thus become the epicenter of a small but worrisome outbreak that has so far infected 10 and resulted in the Department of State Health Services issuing an alert spanning North Texas.
More here – Daily Kos
And so shall the Lord smite the unbelievers, lol. Sounds like the dog that finally caught its own tail.
Maybe when the wealth flows completely to the 0.1% of society they, temporarily, won’t be lonely any more – they may find them selves at the center of a party where they are the main attraction getting their heads guillotined by the mob