The Destruction Of Wealth

Every generation bears witness to the destruction of wealth – all booms end in a bust that is the natural cycle of the markets. These busts always follow on the heels of what has become known as irrational exuberance and this exuberance is fueled by hubris. But as each investing generation learns price goeth before…


Perception Versus Reality

Coincidence is a wonderfully odd thing. Whilst filling the truck at the local petrol station this morning a car pulled up at the bowser next to me – there is nothing earth-shatteringly exciting about this other than the interesting fact that it had three reasonably new parking tickets on under one of its windscreen wipers.…


Letters From A Zeneca

……I was a professional poker player for 15 years. For the most part, for most of my career the difference between the good players and the great players was not technical skill. It was psychological skill and mental fortitude. It was the ability to not tilt, to not play poorly, to not let your emotions…


Is The Market Volatile?

Whenever markets have some form of correction traders’ and commentators’ thoughts immediately turn to volatility and what impact it may have on investing returns. However, in their commentary and opinion pieces, they fail to answer a simple question. Is the market more volatile now? For example, I recently received an article from Sharesight titled –…
