I came across this chart the other day and the message it was trying to convey intrigued me. The chart is from this Vanguard update. I am intrigued because the chart is saying that the market rewards those who hold for the long term – in essence it is talking about a buy and hold…
Out-running ‘bad’ diets: beyond weight loss there is clear evidence of the benefits of physical activity Of course there is evidence of the benefits of physical activity but your chances of out running a bad diet are practically zero because to do so you would need to exercise at this intensity for much longer than this…
It hasn’t been the best of years for most asset classes – Most of the worlds equities markets have had a a negative return to date and based upon the current degree of gyrating I am not certain it will get much better in the next three weeks.
Very excited to open our 2019 Mentor Program for bookings! When we opened for bookings there was a rush of people eager to book into the February 2019 Mentor Program. Those people are now well on their way to becoming exceptional traders. They can rest easy knowing that they’ve got us, Chris Tate and Louise…
This is a topic that has been turning over in my head for a week now and the reason why it has stuck in my mind will become apparent. Every now and then I get a cluster of emails from people whinging about how hard trading is and I agree trading is a difficult profession.…
At last some good news……. People too often forget that IQ tests haven’t been around that long. Indeed, such psychological measures are only about a century old. Early versions appeared in France with the work of Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon in 1905. However, these tests didn’t become associated with genius until the measure moved…
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