Flash Boys and Investors

Lengthy but interesting. I have thus far resisted writing anything about Michael Lewis’s book “Flash Boys”, in part because I typically don’t want to waste time on timely issues (instead focusing on topics that are of long-term interest), although it has been a real exercise in self-constraint because there have been few books published in…



I am speaking at the AIA Conference in August so if you have the misfortune to find yourself on the Gold Coast aka Bogan capital of Australia drop in and say hello. However, an invitation is not the point of this piece. I have been collating some of my notes from past presentations and came…


Barclays Manipulated Gold as Soon as It Stopped Manipulating Libor

And still no one is in prison…. If you were writing a paranoidfantasyof gold price manipulation you’d be hard pressed to come up with something more on the nose than the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority’s order against Barclays. It has everything; it is the benchmark of manipulation by which all future manipulation will be measured. Well, this…
