Why Make It Difficult?

Trading presents each trader with a decision: you can make trading as hard as you want or as easy as you want. You can decide the plaster your chart with gibberish hoping that within the noise you can identify a signal or you can opt for a few simple rules and let them guide you.…


It Pays To Be Selective

Even in the strongest bull markets, it pays to be selective. The chart below shows g0ld—it is clearly doing well. In the good old days, buying anything that had even the vaguest connection to the sector would have been sufficient. However, things have changed. To illustrate this I ran a simple scan over my custom…


Why We Wait

One of the issues with trading is that the market seems to be on a quest to teach you to trade badly. It amplifies every bit of insecurity and paranoia you may have and in doing so it ramps up your FOMO. The charts below are of London Cocoa taken at different intervals and they…
