I love a good conspiracy theory. In the long history of governments and central banks deceiving the people, August 15 1971 was just another date in the calendar. Throughout history, the ruling elite has always cheated the people. But the leaders’ irresponsible actions are always revealed as in the end they always fail. Still, in…
One of the things you learn quite quickly in trading if you have any degree of awareness and humility is that the market will not in any way respond to your exhortations to behave in a certain way. Recently I got a notification from LinkedIn that I was suitable for several jobs that were being…
Stupid prediction from a soft article in the AFR today. UBS is forecasting the price of gold will remain above $US1500 ($2169) through the middle of 2020, rising to $US1650 an ounce by June 2022. JPMorgan is also expecting an increase, forecasting the gold price will remain higher than $US1500 until at least the end…
Within trading there are a few implicitly stated rules – perhaps first and foremost of these is the acceptance of risk for the opportunity to profit. The balancing act between risk and reward has over the decades been fertile ground for academics to traders. Academics seek a mythical middle ground that defines an appropriate balance…
With worries about a currency war growing and bond yields collapsing, investors have reached for their usual haven of gold. Only this time it has a friend (as my colleague Tim Culpan wrote this week): Bitcoin. Gold’s dollar price has risen 7% this month, Bitcoin’s by 18%. This apparent use of the two commodities as companion…
Gold goes up a fraction and everyone loses their friggen mind. My LinkedIn feed is alight with gold bugs who have gone all a quiver in their nether regions because gold has had a modest move up. Now I will agree that Linkedin has become like Facebook but for people with either a real job…
Sometimes when you look at a group of prices what you see is not necessarily what you get as I found out when I had a quick look at base metal prices. What triggered this little foray into a segment of the market I dont really deal in was the piece below that appeared on…
I snipped the graphic below from Visual Capitalist who produce some interesting infographics. What has always intrigued me about the interpretation of these performance comparisons is that almost everyone gets them wrong. The financial media looks at the fact that commodities overall had negative performance for the year and then carry on about how bad…
It hasn’t been the best of years for most asset classes – Most of the worlds equities markets have had a a negative return to date and based upon the current degree of gyrating I am not certain it will get much better in the next three weeks.
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