Clarke and Dawe – The Energy Market Explained
Funny how some things stand the test of time.
Funny how some things stand the test of time.
It’s not just the more widely traded “food” related commodities that have been on a tear. I have always regarded milk as a legacy contract leftover from days gone by but it has done extremely well over the past year.
PS: I have a very vague recollection of a trader in the 1980’s being caught in a similar manner with copper.
One of the issues I have with technical analysis and its more die hard adherents is that they assume they are making a prediction when in fact they are making a bet. This might seem to be a mild quibble of a simple matter of definitions but the two words carry much different meanings both…
DetailsI know staggeringly little about the economics of agriculture which is why I found this Twitter thread so interesting. More wheat stats. My personal favorite Misleading Wheat Stat is “Ukraine/Russia grow 25% of world wheat exports.” Why’s it misleading? It’s technically true, but doesn’t mean what people think! Missing wheat from the war is actually…
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