Kodak is Getting Into The Crypto Business
Thats right – the company that invented the digital camera and was then send belly up by it is becoming a crypto business. What could possibly go wrong……
Thats right – the company that invented the digital camera and was then send belly up by it is becoming a crypto business. What could possibly go wrong……
The WSJ generated a neat little chart that put the rise of Bitcoin this year into context by dropping it in a timeline with other speculative bubbles. One of the joys of longevity is I remember all of these bubbles and have participated in all bubble since the 1980’s stock market boom and the life…
DetailsWith all the mug punters of the world seemingly going all a flutter in their neither regions over Bitcoin and all the talk about how volatile it is, I thought I would take a quick and dirty look at how volatile it is in comparison with other instruments and whether the current level of volatility…
DetailsIf you find the concept of Bitcoin confusing, you are not alone. The virtual currency has been a constant source of controversy, but it is still not well understood. More here – The New York Times
Details2017 global-cryptocurrency-benchmarking-study from Trading Game Pty Ltd
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