Amusing typically English take on Europe’s problems and the UK stepping away from the last round of suggested fixes. The UK is as isolated as someone left on the dock in Southampton as the Titanic sailed away. -Terry Smith of Tullett Prebon  


Rolling Stone

I have been a Rolling Stone reader for decades – what originally started as a somewhat shambolic counter culture music mag has morphed into probably one of the most effective financial journals around. Witness this skewering of Hank Paulson


Rolling Stone

I have been a Rolling Stone reader for decades – what originally started as a somewhat shambolic counter culture music mag has morphed into probably one of the most effective financial journals around. Witness this skewering of Hank Paulson  


The Other Paulson and Insider Trading

If you don’t already understand why people are pissed at Wall Street this piece might help you out a little. It details a somewhat cosy chat between Hank Paulson (US Treasury Secretary) and a group of hedge fund managers/brokers where Paulson discloses non public details regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Other Paulson and Insider Trading

If you don’t already understand why people are pissed at Wall Street this piece might help you out a little. It details a somewhat cosy chat between Hank Paulson (US Treasury Secretary) and a group of hedge fund managers/brokers where Paulson discloses non public details regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.