Remarkable Data

I have mentioned before the lack of data regarding real estate which is one of the reasons why it is hard to take any short term pronouncement about real estate seriously. There simply isnt enough quality data to make these sorts of judgments and this situation would obviously be of benefit to land rats since…



Having watched the energetic expansion of the Indian economy over the past few years I have often wondered whether the inherent racism of the caste system and the inefficiencies of a colonial bureaucracy would eventual lead to structural problems that might bring the entire expansion phase undone.   Apparently it is –   BANGALORE, India—Call-center…



Having watched the energetic expansion of the Indian economy over the past few years I have often wondered whether the inherent racism of the caste system and the inefficiencies of a colonial bureaucracy would eventual lead to structural problems that might bring the entire expansion phase undone. Apparently it is – BANGALORE, India—Call-center company 24/7…
