Six Ways Our Brain Makes Bad Financial Decisions
Six ways our brain makes bad financial decisions.
DetailsSix ways our brain makes bad financial decisions.
DetailsI had no idea that there are whales alive today that were born when Moby Dick was written in 1851.
Quick, think back to a major decision. You know, the kind that compelled you to read everything on a topic and lead you to spend hours devouring every last scrap of data. How’d that work out for you? We like to think that more information drives smarter decisions; that the more details we absorb, the…
DetailsThis one is for serious geeks only. In terms of mental horsepower there are a handful of people like Von Neumann and then there is the rest of us.
By mistake I caught an item on the news about the ongoing battle of immunisation which to me seems to be a war being fought by people with a deep understanding of risk and the immunological basis of vaccination and idiots. This graphic sums up the later group. Source – This is Indexed This…
DetailsThis is an excerpt from an interview with Nassim Nicholas Taleb the author of Fooled By Randomness and The Black Swan I am not a raging fan of Taleb but this is very well put. Are you saying that capitalism is good, but that 21st-century capitalism has gone too far? What we do today has nothing…
DetailsHuman intelligence ‘peaked thousands of years ago and we’ve been on an intellectual and emotional decline ever since’
DetailsI offer these videos with only one comment – my pc doesn’t work properly all the time so the chance of being able to upload an individuals consciousness to an external storage device are f#4k all. The 1950’s had flying cars and atomic powered fridges and we have singularity……
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