With the Best of Intentions

In those long-forgotten days when high quality bond yields were close to (or even below) zero, most investors longed for a return to a ‘normal’ environment. When a staple element of most multi-asset portfolios would once again provide an adequate return. For a time, it seemed that this day would never arrive and we would…


The Kiss of Fortune

I have just started making my way through the Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapuscinski and I came across the following passage – The concept of oil expresses perfectly the eternal human dream of wealth achieved through lucky accident, through the kiss of fortune and not by sweat, anguish, and hard work. In this sense,…


How To Win At Life

When Simone Biles pulled out of the gymnastics events, she brought an unprecedented focus on the psychological challenges of elite sport. One of the greatest athletes of all time had decided to prioritise her mind over the will – and enormous pressure – to win. “There is more to life than just gymnastics,” she said. After taking…
