Go for a walk around your neighborhood during the day. Are you constantly stressed, on the lookout for potential danger around you? For many of us (though certainly not all), we can mindlessly walk the sidewalks, daydreaming as we mosey along. Now, move yourself to an unknown city, in the middle of the night. Are…
DetailsA Deep Dive into Cognitive Biases
Are your trading decisions costing you big time? Find out how your own mind could be sabotaging your portfolio in this must-watch video! Learn how to beat cognitive biases and make smarter trades for bigger gains. Watch here…
DetailsThe Exhausting History Of Fatigue
In 1698, the Duc de Berry had a nosebleed. This calamity was brought on by his “overheating” during a partridge hunt. Three hundred and nineteen years later, the writer Anaïs Vanel quit her editing job and went surfing. What links this unlikely couple? Well, both of them earn a mention in “A History of Fatigue”…
DetailsThe Magic Certainty Button…
1- There is no spreadsheet that can guarantee you will be fine.I know people in the finance industry love to talk about retirement projections as if they can tell you what the future holds, and there is definitely value in having a plan. But the value is not that it gives you certainty. Just like any…
DetailsLessons from the Fund Manager Whisperer – Getting People To Listen And Change
Click the image above to be taken to the episode.
Good Traders Are Good Entrepreneurs
I like many other much smart people than me have opined at great length and depth about why traders fail. There are of course the usual suspect’s poor psychology, poor money management no system. All of these undoubtedly contribute to the downfall of many traders. However recently I was rereading the book A Man For…
DetailsI want to make rules, not follow them
The nice people at MoneyMagazine published one of Louise’s articles this month, called “I want to make rules, not follow them.” This is what they said: “A devastating medical condition set Louise Bedford, author of five books on the stockmarket, podcaster and behavioural finance expert, on a new wealth-creating path.” Get prepared for a huge…