The Mask You Live In
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The other day after a workout I was sitting in the cafe that one of my gyms has enjoying my usual tea, toast and vegemite and at the table behind where a group of old blokes. These are the sought of old blokes who amble around the gym for an hour and then go and…
DetailsSome interesting trading related ideas in a non trading interview.
I was really tempted to simply post this abstract under Its Friday but I will simply post the abstract, a link and a small comment. Abstract Every year thousands of dollars are spent on psychics who claim to “know” the future. The present research questions why, despite no evidence that humans are able to psychically…
DetailsDuring the week we hosted a chat by a good mate of mine David Chia who along with his team managed about $500 mil. During his talk he said that when he and his team go to take a trade they adopt a step out process whereby they consider the reasons as to why someone…
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