Big Beliefs

Most fields are a hierarchy of truths with big ideas at the top and laws, rules, and finer details branching off below them. Viewing ideas in isolation, without recognizing the family tree of where they came from, gives a distorted view of how a field works and can overcomplicate what are often simple answers. Beliefs…


Something Has to Hurt

In his new book on decision making, Ed Smith, who was responsible for the selection of the England Men’s cricket team between 2018 and 2021, discusses the challenges of innovative thinking.[i] He quotes poker player Caspar Berry: “Whenever someone innovates in business or in life, they almost inevitably do so by accepting a negative metric that…


Process and Outcome

Success in any endeavour relies upon a triad of components process measurement and outcome. Traders, as a rule, have a tendency to focus on the outcome not the process this is understandable because the process is boring whereas the outcome enables us to daydream about a different future. This daydream is obviously more attractive and…
