Worth Two Minutes
This trailer takes about two minutes and is in glorious HD – make certain you click full screen Summits of My Life – Trailer from sebastien montaz-rosset on Vimeo.
DetailsThis trailer takes about two minutes and is in glorious HD – make certain you click full screen Summits of My Life – Trailer from sebastien montaz-rosset on Vimeo.
DetailsThe chart below is a measure of the rate of compliance among patients taking medication that I got from an online lecture on nutrition. The full lecture can be found here. To put this into perspective consider what is involved in taking medication – it rarely involves anything more than setting aside 20 seconds a…
DetailsI find it fascinating that so many new start ups have at the centre a philosophy of how things should be done and that this philosophy is the basis for the way they not only do business but also the way they relate to one another. Compare and contrast this philosophy with that of the…
DetailsI bought my first copy of Market Wizards almost 20 years ago and it remains not only the most read book in my trading library but also the most useful. In my early days I used to be an avid reader of trading books but most would get the once over and then get dumped…
DetailsThere comes a time in every traders life where you just have to take the money. My guess is the owners of Groupon have been asking Google whether they still had that cheque for a reported $6 billion they were offering. Some trades/deals are life changes – the problem is most people dont recognise them…
DetailsOver the past few months LB and I have noticed what I would call a climax in fear in businesses and individuals. We have tried in vain to engage other trading businesses in various joint ventures that would be good for all. However, despite leaping at the chance the reponse from all has been…..we cant…
DetailsWhilst at the AIA Conference I was surprised at the number of folks who did not have a coherent approach to the market. In fact I would say that a plan was a rarity. This prompted me to dig out this old ready reckoner of points I think should be somewhere in your plan. Its…
DetailsI’M SENT A LOT of emails every month from people who are trying to come to grips with errors they’ve made and problems they’re experiencing while trading. It’s so tempting to beat ourselves up when we stuff up a trade, isn’t it? If you’ve found your self-talk is suffering after taking a battering on the…
DetailsThis bet is looking safe. Once again, it does not matter what arena we are talking about – expert predictions are rubbish.
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