Emotional Investment
One of the most difficult issues for traders to overcome is their emotional investment in the outcome of any trade they take. Every time you take a trade long or short there is some degree of emotional investment even in the most experienced trader. There is no nexus between being right and being profitable but…
DetailsOverblown and Overhyped
Do you ever get the feeling that every single investment idea or movement is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What interests me is that this sort of breathlessness even inhabits what you may liberally call the more refined corners of social media such as LinkedIn. Normally you would only associate rabid fan boy behaviour…
DetailsAre You A Hedgehog Or A Fox?
There is a line among the fragments of the Greek poet Archilochus which says: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” More here – American Consequences. Intriguingly most traders would like to be a variation of a fox since the belief is that the more you know the better you…
DetailsThe Neuroscience of Breaking Out of Negative Thinking
You just got off the phone with one of your most important clients. The game-changing deal you were trying to close is off. They’re not interested. You’ve just pitched 10 potential investors. They all say they’re “interested” but it’s been two weeks. You refresh your inbox hourly, and yet still no word. How do you…