How Much Conviction Do You Hold in Your Investment Views?

I recently read War and Chance by Jeffrey A. Friedman, which considers how foreign policy specialists deal with the uncertainty that surrounds their high stakes decisions.  Friedman focuses on an historic reticence to explicitly discuss either probabilities or confidence levels when making subjective judgements.  Whilst the impact of decisions made around the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden…


Ban Short Selling….Are You Mental?

Apparently Australian Stock Report is circulating a petition to ban short selling. The rationale for this is as follows – Recently, we have seen billions of dollars wiped from global and Australian equities markets in part due to the practice of Short Selling. This predatory trading technique is often executed in conjunction with algorithmic “bot trading”…


Why We Hate Simplicity

I have been trying for years to get myself and other healthcare professionals comfortable with simplicity in our assessments and treatments. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ve been very successful as I constantly find myself confronted with many who over-complicate what they do and why they do it. Why is this? Why do so many physios…
