How Biases Affect Investor Behaviour
How Biases Affect Investor Behaviour from Trading Game Pty Ltd
DetailsHow Biases Affect Investor Behaviour from Trading Game Pty Ltd
DetailsSince the 2008 financial crisis, colleges and universities have faced increased pressure to identify essential disciplines, and cut the rest. In 2009, Washington State University announced it would eliminate the department of theatre and dance, the department of community and rural sociology, and the German major – the same year that the University of Louisiana…
DetailsDespite rising incomes, people around the world are feeling increasingly pressed for time, undermining well-being. We show that the time famine of modern life can be reduced by using money to buy time. Surveys of large, diverse samples from four countries reveal that spending money on time-saving services is linked to greater life satisfaction. To…
DetailsI shared a stage once with Ray way back in the last century and always found him to have something interesting to say. Click here to be taken to the video.
DetailsWe’re having a ‘Michael Yardney binge’ today. Here’s another article from our great property mate. I’ll hand it over to Michael now… I am a big fan of habits. Good ones that is. Of course, not all habits are productive ones. Some are bad for us, they stop us from succeeding, and they reinforce negative…
DetailsWe have a special blog article for you today from guest author – Michael Yardney. Our ‘unreasonable friend’, property expert, and thought leader. The key to financial freedom? Finding your mentor – by Michael Yardney When we think of entrepreneurs we often think of trailblazers forging ahead on their own, someone who’s doing…
DetailsIn July 2011, I was crawling down the aisle of a plane on my hands and knees while passengers screamed around me. We were on a flight from Spain to the US, and we thought our number was up. The plane had hit a bout of extreme turbulence just as I’d left the restroom, causing…
DetailsCommodities form an important part of my trading universe, in fact as a I par back my universe of instruments they form a more and more integral part of what I do. This pivotal role occurs for a few reasons ranging from ease of trading, price discovery and familiarity. The first trade I ever did…
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