In the current Mentor Program we have been having a discussion about dealing with negative people, this is my contribution. The issue of negative individuals is one that everyone in the course will have to face and in turn generate strategies on how to deal with. Change is disturbing for the person undergoing the change…
In one of those wonderful dualisms that seem to accompany markets as prices go up people start calling for them to fall. The media of late has been awash with reports from various poorly performing fund managers as to why the market is about to crash.I understand the medias fascination with these voices – negativity…
I was chatting to Jim Armstrong a mate of mine who teaches combatives/self defence and he is probably the best teacher of this sort of thing that I have come across in all my decades of knocking about the martial arts. The discussion turned to the notion being preemptive (language) – that is hitting someone first. Unfortunately,…
One day in the middle of 2008, Sakhawat Khan, a Silicon Valley chip engineer, walked into a small house near the back of his two-acre property that his wife, Roomy, a stock trader, used as a home office. Roomy and Sakhawat met when they were electrical-engineering students at Columbia University. After graduating, Sakhawat started inventing,…
The reality is in competition, we will all compete against somebody who will simply out class us with talent, skill, and athleticism. There is only so much we can do against this external conflict, but the internal aspects of the battles are on us. We can choose to push forward and attack to the best of…
Nicole O one of our new mentorees dropped this onto the forum yesterday – it is worth a read since its application is universal irrespective of what change you are trying to make. Are The People Around You Killing Your Ambition? Have you ever shared your desire to transform your life through renovating and been…
Helena Matute, a psychologist at Deusto University in Bilbao, Spain, and her colleagues enlisted 147 college students to take part in a computer-based task in which they each played a doctor who specializes in a fictitious rare disease and assessed whether new medications could cure it. In phase one of the study, the student volunteers…
I snipped the graphic below from Bespoke the folks who produce countless and mostly points charts on the market. It compares the percentage change in the S&P500 to date with the first six months of 2014. The chart above attempts to draw a comparison between the initial portion of this year and the same period last…
I am a history buff – the thing that fascinates me about history is that you can see the same patterns of behaviour repeated on a macro and micro scale over and over again. As an example I ran into a past member of our mentor program sometime ago at the opera and we had…
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