Imaginery Friends

If you thought the responses on our politicians to serious problems was somewhat of a joke consider the case of Texas Governor Rick Perry. Texas is in the grip of a severe drought much like parts of Australia had been. His response is to call for a national three days of praying for rain. TO…


Imaginery Friends

If you thought the responses on our politicians to serious problems was somewhat of a joke consider the case of Texas Governor Rick Perry. Texas is in the grip of a severe drought much like parts of Australia had been. His response is to call for a national three days of praying for rain. TO…



The markets section of the WSJ is currently running a piece titled the  World is Bitten by the Gold Bug. “Gold continued its upward march in a time of global financial tumult, closing above $1,500 an ounce Thursday for the first time as investors seek safe haven in the metal. In a remarkable performance for…


How Depressingly True…..

To the shock of most sentient beings, Facts died Wednesday, April 18, after a long battle for relevancy with the 24-hour news cycle, blogs and the Internet. Though few expected Facts to pull out of its years-long downward spiral, the official cause of death was from injuries suffered last week when Florida Republican Rep. Allen West…
