If you answered No to this question then join the dozen or so other f#$knuts who have recently interacted with our business who also do not seem to to know where they live. As a consequence of this we get a deluge of emails along the lines of …….
Your website has made a mistake with my address
Really…why would it do that when you input all the details? So what you are effectively saying is that you put in all your details correctly and then mysteriously the website said to itself I am going to subtly change their address just to piss them of. Or better yet have whatever they have bought returned.
I used to live there but no longer do.
This is my favourite because it demonstrates that you have been going back to a place where you used to live and obviously annoying the shit out of the people who now live there by taking up residence again. Even though you have not lived there for years.
Why is the world full of people who would be under qualified to be be test subjects in germ warfare experiments. Or who would have to do remedial courses to run a Mister Whippy van.
So if you are the sort of person whose mother still writes your name on your undies, ties five cents into the corner of a hanky for you or you dont know where you live bugger off and stop annoying us.