A bit of commentary has been filtering through the gooogle box about how the market looks like this or that and how it should now do such and such. Most preeminent in this chatter is that the Dow seems to have a block at about 13,300 and because the market has not instantly gone to 15,000 that this is the end of the world as we know it. Cue talk of the coming great depression , riots in the streets, civil war and the return of flairs.
Al of these are suppositions based upon either a misunderstanding that markets are not linear in their price action. Or simply an expression of bias as to what the author of whatever jabber piece has been written.
All I see when I look at a chart of the Dow is opportunity. A collapse away from 13,300 is an opportunity. move through 13,300 is an opportunity. And the move to 13,300 has also been an opportunity. The only bias that traders should display is the bias of opportunity seeking.