One of the things that has always interested me in humans is the desire to partition the world into little segments that are easy to understand, my view has always been that most of these dichotomies are false and are simply a mechanism of delineating groups into good and bad. Of course, everyone who splits the world this way belongs to the good group whilst everyone who does not is bad. This is intriguingly true in trading, consider the little graphic below that popped up on Twitter.
What interests me is that there are people who believe that there are hidden cartels sitting around somewhere dressed in their finest Freemason regalia, sacrificing goats, speaking to the Rothschilds on speed dial and generally obeying the ministerings of whatever shadowy bunch is in charge of the world. But what is also interesting is the implication that one particular group was trying to stop another and failed. Therefore, being on the right side of the move is the moral equivalent of being on the side of angels. One group is good and one is bad and my group is good and yours is not. This is an interesting lens through which to view fairly mundane events.
I would imagine that quite a few people run their lives through the lens of this conspiracy thinking in that it gives them a simple explanation for events that are either random or which they are not intellectually equipped to understand. Given the simultaneous facets of being both unpredictable and complex the financial markets would seem to be a fertile arena for this sort of thing add-in that you have winners and losers.and you have the perfect breeding ground for the sort fo post indicated above.
Being a FREEMASON I can in all honesty say we don’t rule the world we have trouble even deciding what to have for supper LOL
Yep, my Dad was a mason – just seemed like a night out with the boys whilst wearing a fancy suit.