I am not certain of its application to trading but I am certain there is one somewhere.
Putting Like a Pro: The Role of Positive Contagion in Golf Performance and Perception
Many amateur athletes believe that using a professional athletes equipment can improve their performance. Such equipment can be said to be affected with positive contagion, which refers to the belief of transference of beneficial properties between animate persons/objects to previously neutral objects. In this experiment, positive contagion was induced by telling participants in one group that a putter previously belonged to a professional golfer. The effect of positive contagion was examined for perception and performance in a golf putting task. Individuals who believed they were using the professional golfers putter perceived the size of the golf hole to be larger than golfers without such a belief and also had better performance, sinking more putts. These results provide empirical support for anecdotes, which allege that using objects with positive contagion can improve performance, and further suggest perception can be modulated by positive contagion.
Dear Chris
Please send me your Biro, or Mont Blanc, whatever you use so that I can use it to write down my trades in my diary.
When it stops working for me I promise to return it although then you may not want to use it either