Where else in this country can you learn from two traders who actually have decades of trading experience? Chris Tate and Louise Bedford give you their personal secrets and tricks so that you can achieve a terrific lifestyle where you call the shots.


Have a look at what these Mentorees are saying, just 12-weeks into our Mentor Program, and register for Priority Notification about when we’ll be running the next one:


David Piper“Learning all about risk management and position sizing is what I like best about the Mentor Program! I would never have believed that I could have $100,000 invested in the market while only actually risking AT THE MOST $5,000. Relatives and friends still do not believe me when I tell them that! The whole program to date has been absolutely amazing and well worth the investment in both time and money!

Remember in the movie “Pretty Woman” where she is trying to buy clothes but the shop assistant judged her harshly? When she came back with a bundle of shopping and says “BIG MISTAKE – HUGE” and the audience goes wild? If you’re trying to do this by yourself it’s a false economy. This course is a must!”

– David Piper, IT Manager, QLD


Louise WinstanleyThe Mentor Program is exactly what it says it is. Every step of the way there is a Mentor of vast experience guiding, educating and answering every question that comes up. Having traded for a number of years and read numerous books, many times I longed to have someone that I could turn to with a question.

The generosity of Louise, Chris and the past Mentorees who provide instant feedback whenever anyone doing the program has a query, has ensured that nobody is left wondering. This generosity of spirit combined with the positive mindset of all people involved is, in my view, the Program’s greatest strength.”

– Louise Winstanley, Nurse, Melbourne


Barry Beckett“The best thing that has come out of this program so far is the lessons I have learned about money management, position sizing, risk management, and how to set your stops. Capital allocation, triggers and candle stick interpretations have been brilliant as well. Even better is that I have realised how much impact that the psychology of trading and your mental attitude have to do with your success or failure as a trader.

The 2 most important things are Capital preservation and you must have a trading plan.”

– Barry Beckett, Fitter, Mackay


Christine Dalas“It’s very simple for me…best value for money course I have ever done. I have even asked the Australian Society of CPA’s to recognise it as part of my professional development.

I’ve changed my thinking 360 degrees. in relation to everything I have ever done with trading. I’ve recommended this Program to 3 of my ex-bosses who actually worked as Superannuation fund managers. I recommend this to anyone serious about trading. This is a serious course for those who want to learn.”

– Christine Dalas, Accountant, Melbourne


Greg McAloney“The Mentor Program is Trader Master Class that develops complete traders. It covers all aspects of trading content, the markets and psychology but far more importantly and a key to the program, it builds the emotional foundation and attitude of each individual to tackle the rigours of a volatile market and to trade efficiently. It’s awesome!”

– Greg McAloney, Part-time trader, Vic


Guy Manno“This Trading Mentor Program is like no other trading course I have done before. I have done 2 and 3 day trading courses before and have not learned the amount of material that I have discovered so far, and we are only half way through! It’s been great to talk to other Mentorees and learn from others, including traders who have done the mentor program before. If you are serious about becoming a professional trader I would recommend going for it. This is the ultimate master mind group for traders in Australia.”

– Guy Manno, Jewellery store manager, Sydney


Stephen Lund“The Mentor Program to me is all about interaction. The interaction between present Mentorees, past Mentorees, as well as Chris and Louise. Everyone who participates has taught me something and from a pool of experience such as this I am learning far more than just how to trade.
Thanks to all of you.”

– Stephen Lund, Primary Producer, QLD


Bob Howland“The Mentor Program has exceeded all my expectations, Chris and Louise have a direct and honest approach to trading and they share their knowledge willingly and without bias. They tell it how it is with no “pie in the sky” get rich quick schemes, trading requires discipline and commitment to succeed. The support and advice from these two wonderful people, the past Mentor participants and those currently progressing through this program is unsurpassed in anything I have done so far. Anyone that is serious about trading and education then the Mentor Program is where you should start.”

– Bob Howland, Artist, Canberra


Matt Forster“The two main areas I have been really impressed by so far in the course are firstly, the ability of Chris and Louise to open my mind to so many different aspects of trading in such a short space of time and secondly their amazing commitment to our learning of these concepts. Their contrasting techniques and willingness to devote so much of their time answering all questions is very much appreciated.

Louise and Chris give their undivided attention to all questions asked on the forum so we could internalise each aspect at our own pace. Nothing is too much trouble for them.

Not only will this Program provide you with an exceptional trading plan, it also equips you with the mindset to follow that plan. This Program has given me the best possible start to my trading career.”

– Matt Forster, Bookkeeper, Port Lincoln


Craig Gurrie“I am now well on the way to developing a formal Trading Plan that fits me – my lifestyle, my risk profile, my mindset – something I have never had before. What makes it all the more better, is that I have been able to incorporate many little “golden nuggets” directly from the feedback of Louise and Chris on what works for them.

The structure of the program allows me to work at my own pace in my own time. Chris and Louise (together with all the current and even past Mentorees) are very accessible via both the online Forum and emails which means I get very quick answers to all my questions and concerns (of which I have had many)!

This is a once only investment for the rest of your life.”

– Craig Gurrie, IT Architect, Melbourne


Kate Johnstone“The Mentor Program is best described in one word…TERRIFIC!

The Program offers a positive & supportive environment and I love the fact that you can ask a question and get a personal (and very honest) response from Louise or Chris, usually within 2 hours of asking the question!

In just the first 10 weeks, the benefits from the Mentor Program have included:

  • expanded mindset
  • a more positive attitude
  • increased confidence
  • fabulous new friends
  • & the knowledge that will help me to become a profitable trader in a few short years!”

– Kate Johnstone, Dairy farmer, university student and soon-to-be profitable trader, country Victoria


Phil Preston“If you’re serious about becoming a successful trader the Mentor Program is a must do! It took me a while to sign up to the program – now I am wondering why it’s taken so long?

Like many others, I came to the program with pockets of knowledge in certain areas, however this program ‘brings it all together’, fills the gaps and provides many ‘knowledge gems’ – many of which would pay for themselves on their own through superior trading results (and we are not even half way through the program).

It is simply obvious that Chris and Louise have a wealth of experience behind them and this is fully and generously accessible in a very friendly environment. Thank you both!”

– Phil Preston


Bob MitchinsonIt’s fantastic, shoots from the hip, with topics, questions and answers.

  • It is hard work, and worth every second.
  • The honest input from current and past Mentorees is something I have not encountered before.
  • The degree of preparation and presentation of the course, its content and forum, is without equal.

I have looked at other courses and seminars in the past and found every one wanting.

Not having much knowledge of trading I think is an advantage when starting the Program. Not too many pre-conceived ideas to unlearn.

This Program will help build your self confidence not only in trading, but in your whole life.

Louise, Chris and everyone else behind the scenes, involved in making this happen. WELL DONE, and keep up the good work.”

– Bob Mitchinson, Engineer, Melbourne


Graeme Adam“The Mentor Program is a Master Class of practical trading concepts and ideas that encourages me to think and consider how I will develop a Trading Plan and System to enable me to become an exceptional trader.

It has a basic premise of preservation of capital by the creative management of risk and will enable me to earn a good living by exercising my mind and body and observing the sensible rules that I develop to manage my engagement with the market of my choice.

Chris and Louise successfully create an environment on the Forum where their knowledge and experience can be freely discussed and evaluated by every member and we are able to reach concise conclusions about how to apply this information for our own use.

This has truly developed into a real mentoring experience that I consider to be very personal – even though I know it is being shared by a group of people with similar objectives.”

– Graeme Adam, Financial Controller, Northern NSW


Stephen Down“It is the equivalent of realising that you are a good athlete – but to be a great athlete you need a coach, a mentor and to surround yourself with like minded people. That for me is the breakthrough that I needed to take me to the place I want to be. I have read heaps of books but until you do the Mentor Program, you don’t realise how much you were keeping yourself back.

If you are a trader struggling with a road block in your trading, spend your money on this program rather than giving it back to the market. Plus, it’s a whole lot more fun doing this course than continually giving money back to the market.

The amount of knowledge, hints and tips, and support that comes from LB, CT, the past Mentorees and the current Mentorees is priceless. It really is, after one week of this course I had completely forgotten about the cost of the course and whether I was getting value for money. 1 week is all it took to answer that question. 3 months in and I feel I owe something back to these people!

By the end of the first week, I had got my money’s worth.”

– Stephen Down, IT Architect, Melbourne


Shirley Miskimmin“Completing the Mentor Program is the start of a lifelong learning experience with the stock market. The program is giving me the tools to make good trading decisions but also educating me about sensible money and risk management. The great things about the Mentor program for me would be:

  • The course is multi-faceted. You learn the what, why and how to trade. The course gives you a broad introduction to trading shares, CFDs, Futures, Forex and Options.
  • You learn about the psychology of your own trading and how to manage your emotions fears and greed.
  • You learn about the psychology of other traders in the market as demonstrated by the charts.
  • You learn when it suits you. (Most of the course is on line)
  • You learn to the depth that suits you. If you don’t quite understand a point first time around you can revisit it later)
  • You learn from excellent teaching sessions but also from all the other Mentorees and Louise’s and Chris’s answers to the questions raised via the Forum.
  • You will be introduced to various software programs that will help you manage your trading and portfolio
  • You can ask any questions you like.
  • Every Mentoree has a “buddy” that can answer all the little questions that you don’t want to put on the Forum
  • The program is a very positive learning environment and enjoyable.
  • To get the most benefit you need to put in lots of work.

You will be challenged to think for yourself, to think laterally and to challenge your established thinking patterns.

I know it was a good decision for me to join this program. Thanks to the both of you for offering such a great program”

– Shirley Miskimmin, Physiotherapist/Pilates Clinician, Vic


Ron WilliamsI love the honesty of the Mentor Program.

With an open mind, you are able to learn the facts of trading, and start to see what is realistically achievable.”

– Ron Williams, Remedial Masseuse, Adelaide


Sharyn Price“I love how the course is delivered in such a thorough, step by step, organised manner. One of the best things I’ve learned is where I have been wasting my time and where I should be directing my energy when trading. In the last 2 years I have read over 30 books on trading. Yet in the first 8 weeks of the program I learned more about how to consistently make money trading, maximise my returns and what trading truly involves on a day to day basis, than in those 2 years of reading.

Thanks Chris and Louise!”

– Sharyn Price, Full-time Mum and trader, QLD

Robert McDonald“As a direct result of Chris and Louise’s teachings, I quit my job. I now travel the world and trade from exotic locations such as cafes in Paris, parks in Milan and Rome and Malaysia. Chris and Louise offer the most in depth trading courses you’ll find anywhere in the world. The Mentor Program is a life-time journey with Chris and Louise as well as a bunch of other incredibly successful traders they’ve trained. This will take you to the next level and beyond.”

– Robert McDonald, Full-time nomadic trader, Malaysia

Anthony Lance“I feel I have finally hit a stage where I have my own system, as well as possessing the absolute desire to stick to my plan – regardless. Without your support and the ability to repeat the Program, this never would have been possible. Staying in touch with this great trading community.

– Anthony Lance, Physiotherapist, Victoria

James Gale“The amount of information received and support offered in the Mentor Program far outweighs the cost!”

– James Gale, Subsea Project Engineer, Perth

Hugh Wyndham“The Mentor Program is the only one available that will maximise your chance of success as a trader.”

– Hugh Wyndham, CEO & Director, NSW

John RichardsYou can stuff around for years or just pay the cost of the Mentor Program. I’m glad I did because it’s put me on the path to full-time trading.”

– John Richards, Part-time trader, Melbourne

Peter Clift“I know of nowhere else where you can get a sound grounding in trading from a standing start at any price.”

– Peter Clift, Oyster and Pearl entrepreneur, NSW

Rob Lambert“The Mentor Program is a heck of a lot cheaper than getting into the market and losing your capital! It’s the best value trading course I’ve ever come across”

– Rob Lambert, Part-time trader, Victoria

Natalie Hatton“You’ll forget about the cost of the Mentor Program once you start. I’ve done two other courses but neither come close to what you will learn and become once you have enrolled in the Mentor Program”

– Natalie Hatton, Part-time trader, QLD

Sean Moroney“What did I like best about the Mentor Program? Everything! Every aspect of trading gets discussed. From the principles of how to start a mechanical system to other issues such as disaster recovery and account structure – things I had never even considered previously. Such a small price to pay for the opportunity to learn from the best and create a real wealth.”

– Sean Moroney, Commercial Estimator, Victoria

Beau Ryan“When I realised that if I am to be a pro trader, then I realised I needed a mentor. Someone I could trust implicitly. Thanks so much for all of your support, your guidance and encouragement Louise and Chris. I have found exactly what I was looking for in your books and your home education resources. I really like the way you operate. Louise, you have been my main source of inspiration. Chris’s books are phenomenal also. His words are just so dammed logical its not funny. Your honest approach to educating people is what attracted me in the first place to the markets, and I’ve never looked back!”

– Beau Ryan, Luxury Yacht charter operator, France

Dr Roy Axelsen“Louise and Chris are professionals. There are no false hopes. They provide unparalleled support, detail and guidance on how to develop a trading plan. Most importantly, they teach how to trade confidently, within the limits you set yourself.”

– Dr Roy Axelsen, Medical pathologist, Brisbane

David Horkan“The Mentor Program is the best trade that I’ve ever made. To get involved is a no risk decision with infinite rewards. Thanks for your unbelievable commitment Chris and Louise. I’ve not regretted my decision to join you for one moment.”

– David Horkan, Offshore Oil Rig Officer, Newcastle

Kate Barden“The support in the Mentor Program is fantastic. The prompt replies, without judgement, and the “no question is too silly” atmosphere makes this the best value for money course around. I have identified problems in my trading system only 3 months into the Program that have paid for half of the course already.”

– Kate Barden, Sheep & Cattle farmer, South West QLD

Cathy Harbour“The Mentor Program is well worth the money. There are lots of benefits of learning in a group situation and you can repeat the Program as often as you like if you are struggling to pick things up. Louise, I like your style – you make things easy, fun and you inspire me!”

– Cathy Harbour, Office Administration & Retail, Melbourne

Mark Turner“The Mentor Program will definitely return a heck of a lot more than the cost of the course. Being able to repeat it is a definite plus!”

– Mark Turner, Laboratory Analyst, Hobart

Disclaimer: These are some comments from attendees and customers of Louise Bedford and Chris Tate’s events and other programs. These comments are not typical and will vary from individual to individual. Each individual’s success comes from many factors including a dedication to implementing the programs and products that we teach and provide. The income statements or comments are not intended to represent any form of guarantee or guarantee that every person can achieve the same results. There is no guarantee of achieving the same results and you recognise that any business or trading endeavour has inherent risks for loss of income or capital.