More Rave Reviews

“The brutal reality is – there are traders that will thrive in the current market, and those who will lose everything. With the right training, and the determination to succeed, you can perform at the top of your game. Throughout the almost 50 years of trading experience that Louise and I have cumulatively experienced, we have literally changed the financial futures of tens of thousands of our clients. Our books alone have been best sellers and sold well over 100,000 in total. We’ve helped ordinary people generate even greater profits out of the sharemarket than they ever believed possible. And, we can show you how to duplicate their results, using a sound back-tested system based on trading success principles. No fluff, no bells and whistles – only sound trading methods and strategies that work, tailored to your individual lifestyle.

Some people consider me a little gruff, but life is no dress rehearsal. I have your best interests at heart and I want you to succeed – even if it means I have to give you a proverbial whack on the side of your head, if you need it. You either come to us to train and maximise your probability of success, or you let the market educate you by ripping money out of your account. You only get one chance to be your best, so quit wasting time, and get on with it!” … Chris Tate


  • Is the course run by traders, rather than trainers?
  • Do they have a combined experience of 50 years?
  • Will you get continuous ongoing support and the ability to repeat the course for free as many times as you’d like?
  • Will you be taught how to make money regardless of the direction of the market?
  • Have the trainers had experience both as private traders and money managers?
  • Will the methods you learn be tailored to your own personal circumstances?


You can’t rewind the clock, but you can change what you do in the future. So, even if you’ve trained with another group in the past, we will pick up the pieces and build on your knowledge.

Here is what some of our past students have to say about us…

Jackie’s fast-tracking her success!

Jackie Boyett is a single mother of two in Queensland. She knows that Louise Bedford is: “one of the most passionate, generous and highly knowledgeable people” she’s ever come across. Jackie is in the process of not only dramatically improving her family’s lifestyle, but she’s also raising money to support an orphanage in Africa

“Louise, you’re my hero…”

Stefan and his wife Ludmila know that Louise’s support is essential in fast-tracking their success in the sharemarket. Louise develops trading systems that work. Stefan has relied on Louise’s support for many years.

Rob knows when to get in and out of the market. Do you? Marc is now a full-time trader and lives life on his own terms.

You owe it to yourself to become a trading professional and create the lifestyle that you deserve. Rob and Marc are doing it and so can you.

Skip the learning curve & get it right the first time.

As a direct result of the Mentor Program, some of Shane’s trades are up 55%! Develop a winning system and cement the trading essentials.

“They create money out of thin air…”

Jason Cunningham is the accountant to a heap of clients of Chris and Louise’s. He says: “Chris and Louise put money into sharetraders pockets, and they make it stick.”

Age is no barrier

The market is an equal opportunity employer. Age is absolutely no barrier. This is a full 16 minute video designed to inspire and uplift as you come to the conclusion that anyone can be a trader, if they want it badly enough. Listen as Ted Hurst explains his views about trading, and the benefits he’s received through Louise’s training.

Fresh from the Course!

Look into the eyes of these excited, brand-new traders, who have just completed the Mentor Program. They know that their whole future lies ahead of them, and they can’t wait to sink their teeth into the market, and generate the results that they deserve. Put yourself in the picture, as once you’ve finished the Mentor Program, this could be you…

It’s all about whom you associate with.

Have you heard that your level of income will be the average of your five closest associates? Well, it’s true. Here is what Pat Mesiti, motivational speaker for more than 20 years, has to say about Louise Bedford:


Sharon Cunningham“The privilege of having Louise Bedford as a personal mentor and friend knocked 35 years off my working life. Now I am a stay at home mum for my son, Jake, and trade when it suits my lifestyle. As a direct result of Louise sharing her 20+ years experience I was able to design my own system for my timeframe.”

– Sharon Cunningham, Full-time trader, Gold Coast

John McCaffery“I have gained so much more than I was expecting. I believe the ongoing support provided by yourselves and the greater TG community is priceless. I cannot remember when I last met two individuals with such integrity, honesty and generosity and I congratulate you on your ongoing achievements.”

– John McCaffery, Ballarat, now a full-time trader

Richard Fakhry“I’ve spent a lot of money over the years on courses and lectures, and can now say that without doubt you two have the best teaching methods and the honesty and integrity to go with it. That, together with the ongoing support, and the community that you build around it all, is of immense value.

– Richard Fakhry, Architect, Melbourne

Darren Lovett“I lost my first $40 thousand dollar trading bank within 6 months, trading options on the back of some spruikers advice who suggested we bet 20% of our trading bank on each trade. And I paid him $5000 for the privilege!! The only reason I toughed it out is because of you two. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and time and for your honesty and integrity and not being part of the 98% of BS*&T artists out there.”

– Darren Lovett, Part-time trader, QLD

Peter Hunt“The support Chris and Louise have offered, their reputation in the sharemarket, and their knowledge about the most current techniques and strategies about making money regardless of the sharemarket conditions is unprecedented. They will put you in touch with some of the most powerful trading tools available to traders today. Thanks so much for the impact you have had on my life.”

– Peter Hunt, Business Manager of Ballarat Grammar, Ballarat

Stephen Calder“As a financial journalist, I have read most of Louise Bedford’s books and interviewed her on a number of occasions. I’m very impressed with her ability to convey her knowledge, gained over many years as a successful trader, and by her generosity in wanting to pass on that knowledge for the benefit of fellow traders. She leaves nothing out, including the mental fitness needed for trading, and is keen to make sure traders avoid the many pitfalls that can trap the unwary.”

– Stephen Calder, Financial Journalist, Sydney

Simon Ma“Louise and Chris, thank you for your generosity in sharing some of your best trading ideas through your free 5-part e-course. It really is exceptional. Your trading ideas are clear, simple and effective. As I worked through your e-course I began to realise there is no Holy Grail and that system and money management must be enforced at all costs. I hope by sharing my trading experience, others will not make the same mistakes I made and fast track their path to become a successful trader through proper education and/or mentoring. Giving this information away for free just goes to show how committed you are to helping your fellow traders become profitable.”

– Simon Ma, Part-time trader, Victoria

Rob McDonald“Because of the principles you’ve taught me, I’ve now been able to travel around the world, as a sort of nomadic trader. I lived in Miamifor a while and while on the road traded from locations ranging from parks in Milan and Romethrough to Starbucks in London, Paris and beyond. I’m now living in Singapore for a while, with Shanghai next on the list, followed by Rio for a trading base next year, but hey, who knows! I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve taught me about trading and the difference it has made to my life.”

– Rob McDonald, Full-time nomadic trader & traveller


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Disclaimer: These are some comments from attendees and customers of Louise Bedford and Chris Tate’s events and other programs. These comments are not typical and will vary from individual to individual. Each individual’s success comes from many factors including a dedication to implementing the programs and products that we teach and provide. The income statements or comments are not intended to represent any form of guarantee or guarantee that every person can achieve the same results. There is no guarantee of achieving the same results and you recognise that any business or trading endeavour has inherent risks for loss of income or capital.