“I have attended other courses in the past. After 2 days of sitting in a seminar, you are sent on your way with a fistful of brochures upselling the next 3 courses that will “make all the difference to your trading”. You leave the seminar with just enough knowledge to be dangerous and then 6 months later, you wonder what is wrong with you? The forum content is the whole package. Never before have I ever come across any other education provider that will provide all of the pieces of the puzzle. After all, what good is technical analysis if you know nothing about money management ? What use are option strategies if you don’t know what a chart is? It’s a bit like being taught how to change gears in a car without being taught how to steer or obey the road rules. Inevitable disaster! The format of the forum is terrific. The content is delivered in such a way that you can review it in your own time, as often as you need. And then, the best part is that after you have digested it, you can return and post up your questions. Often the questions posted by another Mentoree will spark another discussion which uncovers another gem of information.
I’ve been blown away with how responsive Louise and Chris have been. Unlike many other “professionals”, they don’t lose interest the minute they’ve banked your cheque. They obviously have a genuine interest in seeing you succeed. Louise has a warmth and humour that makes you feel like she is standing in the room beside you. She is also incredibly patient. Chris reminds you of that strict teacher you had in high school. The one you were dead scared of for the first 2 weeks, but by the end of term, had become one of your favourites once you realised that his teaching methods were so darn effective.
And possibly one of the best things has been the honesty. The honesty about drawdowns, strings of losses, capital required and time taken. It is so refreshing and will no doubt serve us well into the future. I feel very fortunate to be involved in the program and only wish I’d done so a long time ago.”
– Alison Willis, Full-time Mum, Business owner, Brisbane