Already Raking it in!
“This course was invigorating, expansive and ground-breaking for me!
“If you’re serious about trading and you think reading books and following social media chats will get you the results you desire, I’d say skip that approach.
“Instead, take on the Mentor Program to fast track your journey. I made a 125% return on the very first trade I completed after finishing the Mentor Program.” – David Dunlop, VIC.
Immediate Success
“I loved gaining confidence from being with people who have done this before. My results have gone through the roof!
“Since being involved in the Mentor Program, my trading has managed to pay for the cost of the program more than 20 times over.
“I’ve been trading for nearly two decades and never really been successful, so the Mentor Program has just turned that right around. You must do this!” – George Suchenko, NSW
We stick with our traders.
We stay with them over the years.
They get results.
Every week, on our free weekly podcast show called Talking Trading, we interview market wizards from all around the world. Plus, our own members of our Mentor Program frequently pop by to update us on their results.
Listen to these top interviews now…
After Training with Chris and Louise
A Tsunami Decision
When the tsunami in Japan almost wiped out Jeni White’s trading account she enrolled in the Mentor Program.
Talking Trading is our free weekly podcast, and this week, we look at Jeni’s trading journey and how she realised what was possible.
Patient Persistent Trading
Karen Hansen Palumbieri defines persistence and patience. In this episode hear her trading journey from first entering the Mentor Program to the magical feeling of a big trading win.
Also hear Louise Bedford’s heartbreaking stories of an investors’ trust sold for gold by people claiming to be educators
New reviews
This is the way to learn to trade profitably
This is where you will get the most support
Should traders join the Mentor Program now?
There is no better time to get started
If not this, then what?
The Mentor Program is Life Changing
What are Louise and Chris like as mentors?
What value do you put on your future?
Take control of your destiny
It really is worthwhile
Peter Forge is a carpenter who lives with his family in Tamworth NSW. Peter completed the Mentor Program in 2014 and just recently sent Louise and Chris a copy of his trading plan to have it reviewed as he continues on his trading journey. Along with the trading plan was a 5-page thank you note that was prompted by Louise’s recent video “I’ve got this”.
At the beginning of his letter he writes:
“Twelve months ago at the 2014 mentor final meeting you asked if anyone would like to record a testimony of their thoughts of the program. I really want to pass on my thoughts and feelings about doing the mentor program but I have great difficulty in putting my thoughts and praises into words so I thought I’d do it in a list form.”
If you would like to read his lovely letter, just click here.
- The most up-to-date trading techniques
- Become a versatile trader & sniff out hidden profits in the markets
- Learn how to take the guesswork out of share trading.
- Repeat the course as many times as you like.
Disclaimer: These are some comments from attendees and customers of Louise Bedford and Chris Tate’s events and other programs. These comments are not typical and will vary from individual to individual. Each individual’s success comes from many factors including a dedication to implementing the programs and products that we teach and provide. The income statements or comments are not intended to represent any form of guarantee or guarantee that every person can achieve the same results. There is no guarantee of achieving the same results and you recognise that any business or trading endeavour has inherent risks for loss of income or capital.