PEOPLE GIVE IN TOO easily. They crumble, when they should push. They side-step when they should left-hook.
Think back to when you were a kid and you really, REALLY wanted that ice cream. Did you take your parent’s word as gospel? Or did you ask, whinge, nag, beg, grovel, whine, stamp your foot and tantrum your way to success?
When I finished school, I was sure I was going to get into the Uni course I wanted. I just missed out. I was crushed. Then I got mad. Then I got moving.
I door knocked on every single one of the lecturers’ doors, until I found someone to let me in. They let me into a course that wasn’t the one I wanted, but that had the same subjects, so I could transfer after the first year (if my marks were good enough). Voila! My tantrum worked, and I got my own way.
I got my first job by not taking ‘no’ for an answer.
I developed my friendship with Chris Tate by not taking ‘no’ for an answer. (Between you and I, Chris has the makings of a savant recluse and tends to only allow a few people into his inner circle).
I bought my first car at a great price by not taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Goal-setting is useful, but only if you’re prepared to pursue your goals with a singleness of purpose that busts through other people’s ‘nos’. The key to success is to adamantly refuse to accept limits. Relentlessly apply your focus. Dig in your heels when people tell you it can’t be done.
Make this your ingrained, conditioned, automatic way of responding when someone says ‘no’. Question it. Don’t just accept.
So… what have you let slide, because you accepted someone’s ‘no’?