I came across this image on Bespoke – those folks who generate arrays of dazzling data very few of which are in any way helpful to market participants.
It shows the daily change on the S&P 500 since January and I have no idea why this would be of interest but I thought I would take it further and look at more data. So the chart below looks at the average daily change on the S&P500 going back eight years.
As you can see adding a little more data presents a different picture, this is to be expected since a few months is a very narrow time frame over which to analyze anything.
The crucial question is does this information tell us anything and the blindingly obvious answer is not a friggen thing and this is the issue with trading news/data very little of it is actually relevant to your decision making. It looks nice and some of it is undoubtedly clever but it doesnt tell you anything and in some ways probably interferes with the trading decision.