I wish I had written this….
Our latter-day sultans of superannuation have breezily lavished a $20 million junket on their sales force and themselves to boot. Before this year’s Byzantium bash, the AMP held its ”conference” in Dublin, South Africa, Amsterdam, Colorado and Buenos Aires.
If the behemoths of superannuation shell out two bob supporting a charity you will see it heralded in press releases. There was no media for this shameful junket though. Nor was AMP forthcoming with explanatory detail. ”Professional development conference”, was the manicured response this week.
Surely financial planning should be about the adviser using best endeavours to maximise the wealth of the client – allocating retirement savings to the best financial product available. If this was really about education – rather than a reward for flogging AMP product and an enticement to flog more – we solemnly promise to eat our fez.
The keynote speaker, who commands a $100,000 price tag, was one Jeremy Gutsche, a spruiker in the mould of Anthony Robbins. ”Win like you are used to it. Lose like you enjoy it”, is his sort of glib motivational fare which has naught to do with education and everything to do with churning out product.
More here – Sydney Morning Herald