One of the best things about heading away for a few days is not necessarily the break from Melbourne’s winter but rather the enforced break from trading. Whilst technology now gives us the ability to trade from anywhere there is a stable internet connection I tend to switch off when on holidays and drop into cant be bothered mode. I know for some this is difficult and from my perspective this is either a compulsion or a sign of the rather egotistical belief that the market cannot do without you.
When I come back from holidays I always have an expectation that the world and by definition markets will be vastly different. Sadly this is not the case. The world is pretty much the same and markets have gone on without me as evidenced by the chart of the S&P500 which is pretty much the same as when I left.
Some might find it distressing that the world goes on without them – I find it very comforting…….
What a great business to have. To be able to leave it then come back & it’s the same & didn’t cave in. What a great feeling of relief that must be
On to where and what? Comfort?
Hey – cave ins are excellent! The more disastrous the more fantastic! (stomp stomp stomp ….. stomp some more …..)