So why is trading psychology so important?
Well, I discovered the hard way that no amount of external success could fix the way I felt inside.
The more I achieved in my corporate life, the more I felt I needed to achieve.
No matter what I accomplished, I still felt a gnawing sense of emptiness and unfulfilment.
Have a listen to those voices inside your head. What are they saying? Is it like you’ve woken up with a radio blaring inside your brain, feeding you a constant stream of negativity?
“I don’t fit in” “I’ll never make it as a trader” “I’m going to have to work until I’m 90”.
Crazy, negative, self-defeating messages. Stoking our fear that we are not good enough.
Your voices might be slightly different but they’re all driven from the same emotion… fear. It’s easy to think that those voices are there to protect you… to keep you safe… but usually they do the precise opposite.
They keep you rooted in a reality you’re not happy with.
The first step is to become aware of them.
The second step is to change their accent, tone or pitch until they’re laughable.
Often their current tone is the voice of a disapproving parent.
Change that voice to Donald Duck. De-tooth the voice’s authority over your life. Prevent it from powering your reality, and then… then you’ll be able to choose your own future.
And that’s why learning about your own psychology is so important in the markets.
It gives you the ability to shoot for the stars, and achieve whatever it is you feel passionate about.
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