The key point for me is the statement – skewed unfairly. This is the crux of the argument, over the past generation it seems as if there has been a concerted attempted to skew the playing field to benefit the uber wealthy whilst disadvantaging everyone else. Systems will also show inequality, this is simply the nature of the world but cheating and getting away with it shouldn’t be part of the game.
Those with the money make the rules, which gives them the power to rule. Politians, the puppets/scapegoats, do what they are told or they are out. It has been the same since the creation of man. It is the inbuilt human condition called GREED and when it gets out of hand the result will be catastrophic. The biggest problem in the world?…GREED ! Mother Theresa 1990’s
I take the view that we are responsible for our own lives.
Our own mindset and wealth creation.
As Louise Hay says;”keep your power”.
I choose to create wealth so that I can use it as I see fit.
I can choose to alleviate poverty, I can choose to help people alter their mindset to one of abundance, as I figure this basic change will make a lasting difference in the world.
This works only if the game is not rigged and at present the game is rigged. In the US there has been a massive shift in the tax burden from the super wealthy to the middle class. The super rich have more than halved their tax burden over the past generation – shifting it to the middle class and the poor. This has enabled the wealthy to dramatically increase their wealth, in some estimates by up to 150%.
Positive thinking is fine but if the the super wealthy are playing on a rigged field. Note how many went to jail during the GFC…..none. Look at HSBC which was convicted of money laundering and being an active supporter of terrorism. How many of them went to jail…..none.
The same rules need to apply to everyone.
In addition to Chris’s point, we have to remember sometimes, there but by the grace of God go I.
Insert whatever phrase/deity you want, but sometimes people start so far behind the eight ball through no fault of their own, ie born the wrong colour/sex in a country so messed up, you have no chance at all to succeed.
And then someone rigs the rules against you.
Do those people that gave North America The Statue of Liberty still make those big sharp carrot choppers?
Qu’on leur coupe la tête!